Clever DIY Pool Organization Ideas That You Shouldn’t Miss

The pool area has the busiest frequency during the hot summer months since everyone is rushing to refresh and enjoy themselves. I bet that some useful DIY pool organization ideas are going to get you excited.

You can spot friends and family members coming and going all the time, leaving things behind (obviously) such as towels, sunscreen, googles, and tons of other pool accessories.

Do you hate to see the pool a total mess? These clever DIY pool organization ideas will help you organize the pool area a bit and make it look more neat and polished. If you are out of organization ideas, just scroll down and see what I’m talking about!

Pool Toy Storage

Your peaceful moment at the pool can be ruined in a minute by your kids who are desperately crying to find their pool toys. Not only that this organization idea will help your kids locate their toys with ease, but you will get a fuss-free time too. Make sure you place the storage just by the water, so they won’t have to come out to get them (or make you bring them the toys).

diy pool organizer

Smart See-Through Storage

I have always said that the see-through containers are the best containers ever when it comes to storage everywhere around the house, and it seems that the pool area is not an exception either. Get a “drawer” like the one below for your outdoor area. Label each drawer and have a better organization and less mess by the pool. Everyone is going to love it, believe me!

diy pool storage

Noodle Storage Idea

Although pool noodles can be fun when they are in use, they can be pretty annoying when they are not in use. Are you desperately trying to find the perfect way to make them stay in one spot? This bottomless bin will do the trick for you effortlessly! Are you already contemplating how this idea hasn’t occurred to you before?

diy pool storage bin

Floating Drinks Cooler

Is your drink getting warm really quickly and you can’t seem to enjoy it to the fullest? What do you say about organizing and cooling all the drinks in this floating cooler? I think it’s pretty awesome! Use those noodles in another smart way!

diy pool float storage

Towel Organization

Towels, towels everywhere. Clean, dirty, wet, dry. Is your day getting worse as soon as you spot them scattered everywhere around the pool? There are plenty of ways to organize them.

Put an organizer on the wall which is easy to reach and holds a great number of towels.

DIY pool organization

Grab a huge basket and keep them in there. You can even get two or more baskets and label them clean/used, or with the name of each member of the family.

DIY pool organization ideas

Or just attach hooks on the fence. As easy as a pie!

DIY pool towel storage

DIY Pallet Pool Organization

I think this is the most mind-blowing organizational unit that you fill find today on the internet. Just a single pallet can do a revolutionary organization at your pool area. Plus, it’s super cheap and everyone can afford it. Paint it in the color you like the best, so it will fit with the rest of the decor. It will hold all of your pool accessories in a wonderful way.

Are you looking forward to incorporating it? Don’t wait any longer and get down to work to recreate it, this will be your smartest DIY project ever.

best DIY pool organization

Crate Pool Organization

Another smart organizational DIY project that you can easily make is this crate unit. Grab three or as many crates as you like, and put them together. The open-storage unit is easy to access and easy to find things. You can even think about putting wheels on it, so you can move it around effortlessly. Attach hooks for towels on the sides, and make the most of it.

DIY pool organization unit

Have you already incorporated some of these DIY pool organization ideas in your outdoor area? Do you have some other clever ideas in mind? Feel free to share them with us and inspire us to organize our yards in the summer in the best possible ways. You will certainly have a better pool experience when everything has its place and it’s properly stored, won’t you?

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