Easy Way To Make Homemade Flubber That Your Kids Will Love It

There is nothing more satisfying than playing and having fun with your kids. Flubber, it is also an incredibly goopy craft project that kids will love. Flubber is wiggly, slimy, and gross–what more would any kid want? It’s fun and easy to make several different kinds of flubber.
if you are in a DIY mood today than do not mind to try this incredibly DIy project that we re presenting you below. Simple and very easy homemade flubber recipe for kids. It’s quick to make, uses only a few common household ingredients and will have your children playing for hours. Great for sensory play and developing fine motor skills.
We have found a interesting recipe on livecrafteat.com and with only a three easy steps.


You will need:
3/4 cup cold water
1 cup Elmer’s glue
liquid food coloring
1/2 cup hot water
1 teaspoon borax (you can find this in a box in the laundry aisle)

In the first bowl yu should mix together the cold water, glue, and food coloring. set aside. The next step in bowl 2 – mix together the hot water and borax, until the borax is completely dissolved.

The final step: slowly add glue mixture to borax mixture. mix well. pour off excess water. read more at livecrafteat.com

Here is also one useful video with useful instruction. Take a look and have fun with your lovely kids. Enjoy!

via HooplaKidz How To

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9 years ago

I really need to try this!

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