Give Your Kitchen A Facelift – The Complete Guide

Do you sometimes walk into a friend’s kitchen and envy them a little? Their decor style seems so modern and fresh.

You want the same for yourself but fear the cost implications. Well, we have some good news for you. Giving your kitchen a facelift does not have to send you to the poor house.

If you search for “kitchen contractors near me”, I’m sure you will find experts who can help in this facelift quest. But you should know what exactly you desire.

Our article will share some kitchen design ideas you can use. It will surprise you how inexpensive some of the tips are. And, if you like to dabble in DIYs, you can take on some of the projects yourself.

1.   Take an inventory of what needs changing

Start your redesign by taking an inventory of the kitchen. If you have budgetary constraints, create a list of priority things to do. Are the doors to the cabinets falling off the hinges? If yes, this is one of the things you need to correct.

The inventory should also take note of what you can reuse. There is no point in buying new cabinets if all you need to do is give them a paint job. You should also be able to let go of things that are no longer functional.

2.    Give the cabinets a new look

kitchen remodeling


One of the first things you notice when you get into the kitchen is the cabinets. You can transform how they look by painting them. Take a trip to the hardware store to buy a brush/roller, sandpaper, and paint. You also have the option of using spray paint.

Surface preparation requires that you sand off the old paint first. You get a smooth, clean finish by taking time to do this.

One of the emerging trends in 2021 is not to shy away from color. Green, red, blue, or black cabinets are in, so you have tons of choices. Painting cabinets is not hard. There are tons of YouTube tutorials on how to do a good job.

Take it on as a DIY so that you save some money. If you are not sure about how to go about it, let a professional do it. You want the paint job to look good; otherwise, it will become an eyesore.

If the cabinets have a vinyl or wood veneer, all you need to do is re-laminate. Change the color of the laminate so that you get a new look and feel.

Finally, replace the knobs with more modern ones.

3.   Do away With cabinets and replace them with open shelves

kitchen faceliftsource

Another new trend that is becoming quite popular is to replace cabinets with open shelves.  They take up less space, thus adding dimension to the room.

Floating shelves, for example, are excellent for displaying glassware or ceramics. Not only do you spruce up your decor, but you get storage as well.

4.   Time for new countertops


The next step in your facelift project should be to replace the countertops. You can opt for marble, which remains popular for many homeowners.

The advantage is that the amount of options available is quite extensive. Go for plain marble or those with swirls and other patterns.

Another fantastic option is wooden countertops. Wood is a natural material that is warm and quite elegant.

5.   Don’t forget the walls and floor


Kitchen walls face more than their fair share of stress. Grubby fingers, oil, and food splatter can make the walls look dirty. Over time, the paint will also become dull. A simple coat of paint can cover the dirt and refresh the whole room.

Like in the case of the cabinets, the only limit to the choice of color is your personal preference. It may be tempting to go for the old color. But, if you want the kitchen to look new, try a different palette.

Give the floor a little love as well. If you have a wood floor, sand it down and apply a new finish. For tiles, ensure that they are still in good condition. Remove those that have cracks and replace them with new ones.

Also, check the condition of the grout. Using the right cleaning techniques will make it look new again. Use an equal mixture of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. A toothbrush can help you scrub away the mildew, water damage, or stains.

6.   Change the washing area

Kitchen teaser


A simple project like changing your backsplash can transform the sink area. Again, you have leeway with the amount of creativity. Mosaic tile backsplashes are very attractive when you contrast them with the countertop.

Also, check whether you need new sinks and fixtures. Do you have the original faucet that came with your 1980 home? If yes, come into the 21st Century with a more modern-looking one.  Detachable heads, gooseneck, or spray faucets look chic.

7.   Bring in some decorative accessories


Decorative accessories can transform the way your kitchen looks. Consider indoor plants in stylish planters.  A good idea is to grow spices so that you always have a fresh supply. Chives, mint, thyme, basil, and bay laurel are great options. Who doesn’t love fresh ingredients?

Other decorative accessories include your favorite artworks. Nowadays, the kitchen has become a focal point in the home. It is a place to eat, socialize, work, and so much more.

Open plan designs also mean your kitchen is in full view all the time. So, don’t leave the walls or shelves bare. Painting, family photos, and other creative pieces will look fabulous in your kitchen.

Apply the same creative expression when choosing lighting. A chandelier will look great over the kitchen island. Low hanging pendant lights also add elegance and class. Create an exciting ambiance with under cabinet lighting.

Final Thoughts

The simplest things can make such a big difference to your kitchen. Painting the cabinets and walls will have an immediate effect on how the room looks.

Replacing the countertop, backsplash, sink, and faucet can make your kitchen look very modern.

Finally, decorative accessories like lights, plants, and artworks bring in a touch of creativity and personality. The best part about the ideas we have shared is that they are cost-effective. Taking on some of the projects as DIYs can save you so much.

It is also fun and more satisfying to see your efforts result in something beautiful.

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