How to Fix a Water Pump Leak

There can be a variety of pumps running in your home and, for the most part, they’ll run smoothly and you won’t think anything more about them.

But, even the best dewatering pumps can encounter issues. These can be connected with the pump operation, which is normally evident by intermittent working or noise. The issue can also be more obvious, such as a leak. However, just because a pump is leaking doesn’t mean it’s easy to find the source of the leak, that’s why you need this guide.

Don’t forget even a small leak can be costly.

Check Connectors

The first thing to look at is not the pump but the connectors. If the pump is at an angle the pump can be dripping when it’s a connector that has started to leak.  Start by leveling the pump, you can then visually and physically inspect the connectors. You’ll either see a drip or you can feel it with your hands.

If you’re not sure, place a little tissue paper around the connector and see if it becomes wet.

If the connectors are leaking then the seas are probably blown, which means shutting the water off and removing the connector.

You can then replace the seal or replace the connector.

The Pump Seals

If the connectors are fine you’ll need to look at the seals on the pump. These can simply wear over time. The first thing to do is to shut the water supply off and disconnect the connectors.

This will allow you to remove the pump and work on it at a comfortable level.

You’ll now have to see if it’s possible to unscrew the pump and whether you can get spare gaskets or not. The most likely cause of a leak is either a blown gasket or a broken impeller.

Carefully separating the parts of the pump will allow you to access the gaskets near the leak. It doesn’t matter if they look worn or not, having opened up the pump you need to replace these gaskets.

Before putting the new ones in place it’s a good idea to clean the surfaces of the pup, ensuring they are smooth for the new gaskets to adhere to a seal effectively. You can then carefully put the pump back together but, be sure to tighten it to the manufacturer’s specs. Over tightening will result in the seals being damaged and the leak continuing.

Check Your Warranty

Before you dive into repairing your water pump it’s a good idea to check the warranty/guarantee you got with the pump. It’s possible it’s still covered, in which case you’ll want the manufacturer or supplier to sort the issue for you.

If this is the case it’s important you don’t touch the pump.

Make Sure It’s Fixable

Some pumps are created as sealed units, this means you can check the connections aren’t leaking but you can’t easily take it apart. If this is the case you’re going to need a new pump. Any attempt to take it apart is likely to result in damage and an even worse water leak.

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