Landscape Ideas that Will Bring Buyers to Your Front Door

First impressions are important. This concept applies when you meet new people and also when potential buyers see your home for the first time. When it comes to selling your house, that means the landscaping around your home really matters and you donā€™t need to spend a fortune to take it up a notch. Weā€™ve outlined a few ideas to help you get started.

Plant flowers following color theoryĀ 

Did you ever wonder why certain colors appeal to you more? Psychologists and scientists have determined how certain hues can spark emotional responses and you can use this information to your advantage when revamping the front of your home with flowers.

White flowers: Cool and calming feelings that might send a message that your home is a blank canvas ready for a fresh start. Consider Lily of the Valley, Vinca, or Delphinium.

Red flowers: Evoke the energy and excitement of buying a new home, while adding a flair that can help your home stand out from the crowd. Consider Zinnia, Classic Rose, or Pentas.

Blue flowers: The trust and confidence blue flowers exude will appeal to family-oriented home buyers looking for a safe place to raise their children. Consider Forget-Me-Nots, Morning Glory, or Desert Bluebells.


If you want your flower power to look most robust more quickly, you can opt for tall planter boxes instead of planting directly in the ground.


Trim or remove trees and hedges

Mature trees, hedges, and bushes can boost your propertyā€™s appeal if they are healthy, well-maintained, and planted wisely. Overgrown greenery, however, can hide your homeā€™s beauty from buyers, create an unwelcoming atmosphere, make your home appear smaller than it is, or, worse, send the message that your house has hidden flaws. Your best bet is to trim hedges and trees that may dominate your homeā€™s entrance, or, if they are overpowering, remove them before you list your home.


Update your walkway

A less-than-perfect walkway tells buyers that your home is not well-maintained. Cracked pavers, untidy edging, or weeds bursting through the cracks should all be addressed before potential buyers head for your front door.


Repairing or replacing your homeā€™s runway can be expensive at a national average cost of $2,476 for a professional contractor to install a concrete walkway. Luckily, paths in decent condition can be updated for less. A contractor may be able to raise sunken slabs for a few hundred dollars and you can even transform your boring passage with a stamped concrete overlay to give it a brick, slate, or natural stone look.


Improve a barren lawn

Patchy lawns are also an immediate turnoff for potential buyers. Since lawns require a lot of maintenance you may be better off replacing your lawn with a rock and succulent garden. You can replace the entire lawn, or add a few outlined spots, defined by edging, to take care of problem areas.

Make an honest assessment of your homeā€™s entrance and consider adding one or more of the tips above to help your home get on its way to looking its best.

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