Napkins’ Décor Ideas That Will Make Christmas Table More Festive

If the whole Christmas decoration is still not defined, than you still have time to think and to plan the Christmas table which maybe is the most important part of the holiday. You only need to define the concept and the color you want all decoration to be in, and for the rest we are in charge to get you inspired.
The napkins can enrich the Christmas table the most. They can be bought in some festive and elegant pattern, but sometimes the one colored and on the first side boring napkins can be modified as an origami decoration that will be more effective.

For the Christmas table, most often are used green and red napkins ( no matter if they made of paper or some textile). From the green ones you can make a beautiful Christmas trees, and from the red ones there can be made festive flowers. The ideas for napkins decor and their tutorial are below

1.Pinwheel Napkin Fold: Tablescape Ideas

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2.How to Fold a Christmas Tree Napkin

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3.Cute folded napkins for Christmas evening

fd-4 source

4.Christmas Tree Napkin Folding.

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6.DIY Flower Napkin Fold DIY Projects

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7.Star-Top Tree Napkin


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8.Finish Your Holiday Table With Christmas Tree Folded Napkins

fd-10 source

9.Christmas Napkin Ideas

fd-11 source

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