The Lazy Person’s Guide to Keeping Your Garden Tidy

Having a garden to plan, maintain, and enjoy is an excellent addition to any house, but sometimes, the upkeep can start getting on top of you, making you less likely to use it. If your garden is morphing from a peaceful place to chill to something resembling a jungle, you may be looking for help. As with maintaining anything, little and often is usually the secret, so check out these easy tips to keep your garden in perfect condition with as little effort as possible.

  1. Make a plan.

Before you look at your garden and immediately become overwhelmed, make a plan of action. This will help divide up the whole process and make the clean-up far more straightforward. Create a list of everything you need to do, with actions that will make a significant impact with little effort first to make you more motivated as you see your garden transforming back into its old self. Take this time to think about what you want from your garden ā€“ do you want a place to relax? A vegetable and herb garden where you can harvest fresh food for your family? With this in mind, you can start to create the perfect plan for your garden.


  1. Prioritize.

With your plan in place, it’s an excellent idea to prioritize based on what needs to be done first to make the most significant impact in the smallest amount of time. This may be picking out all of the weeds in your flowerbeds and mowing your lawn, which will both make an immediate difference for only a few hours of work at most. Once you’ve done the highest-impact jobs, you can start working through the rest of your list in an order that makes sense and gets you closer to your goal. Go to the shops and buy all of your new plants or seeds in one go if possible, and then you can start planting them depending on the season and what will be in bloom next.


  1. Think about the layout of your garden.

With the basics done, you need to think aboutĀ how to maintain your garden. Easy garden maintenance often comes with a design that makes it as easy as possible to tidy and tend to, and will also make your yard look more pleasing if you’ve put some thought into it. Think about having a dedicated lawn that you can mow in one go without any problem areas to get to, and then rows of carefully labeled vegetables in one spot, so that you know when to water them.


  1. Ideas to tidy up your gardenĀ 

With your garden layout done and most of the work finished on top of your garden, it’s all about keeping it that way with the least amount of effort as possible. Some simple tasks you can spend a small amount of time each week include:

  • Remove weeds from patios and pathways.
  • Cover soil in flowerbeds with bark and woodchips to protect roots and minimize weeds.
  • PlantĀ flowers that are hardy and only need to be watered infrequently.
  • Have a shed with all of your garden tools and keep it organized.
  • Add in a sprinkler system to water your lawn automatically.
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