The Miraculous Beauty Of Miracle Garden In Dubai

There are so many beautiful gardens around the world, but this one will leave you speechless. The Miracle Garden in Dubai is totally stunning and the flowers in tons of different colors and shapes will stay in your mind forever. Although this garden is in the middle of a dessert the flowers are blooming and the grass is green. You must think that lots of water is used in this place to keep the flowers alive but in fact there has been installed an environment friendly watering system which reuses waste water. The garden is closed from May to October because it’s extremely hot. If you can’t stand the heat I suggest you to visit it early in the morning or late in the evening. At nigh there is nice lightening which makes the place super special. There are 45 million different flowers and they are planted in an area ofĀ 72,000 mĀ². Once you see them you will have to admit that the creative mind can do wonders with pretty much everything. The Miraculous Beauty Of Miracle Garden In Dubai as the name suggests will make you feel like you are in the paradise. The scenery is so pleasant to the eye and it’s really hard to leave this garden. You would love to stay there forever and enjoy its beauty and unique setting which has been done with great gardening skills. If you are planning to go there soon, the easiest and the cheapest way to reach the garden is to take a bus from the Mall in the Emirates.

Have in mind that this is the attraction that is the most green in UAE, so if you miss some greenery you should definitely go there. Plus, you will most certainly want to see the world’s largest garden, right? I have to mention that theĀ Dubai Butterfly Garden has been recently opened there and that you will have the chance to see more than 15,000 butterflies from 26 different species. The garden was opened in 2013 and since then millions of people have payed it a visit. Is a must see, so if you are in the Emirates don’t miss the chance to see the stunning flowers planted in thousands of different shapes which are changed every seasons in order the visitors to have different experience every time they go there.

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