You’ve Been Brushing Your Teeth Wrong Since Childhood

Probably when you have read the topic of this article the first thing that comes in your mind is that: How someone could tell you that you are wrong when brushing your teeth when you do this almost 20 years and everything is ok. But the recent research prove that and we all have been brushing our teeth wrong entire time.
The, research has shown that we should avoid the monotonous moving of the brush round and round in small circular movements or only back- and- forth movements, but it suggests a rather combined technique for best results.


The optimal method of tooth brushing is called the Modified Bass technique. According to it, you should angle your brush at the gum line, move it in a circular motion to loosen plaque at and underneath your gums, then, sweep the brush away from the gums to remove debris.
Check the video below and see the demonstration of the method and sure try it immmdiately. Enjoy!


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