10 best pet birds for kids

Do you want to surprise your children with a new kind of pet? We’re talking about birds. Who would have thought that you could breed birds at home? You can by raising some of these amazing and fun pet birds for kids. These 10 cute, fluffy and fun pet birds are easy to raise and are best suited for kids and beginners.

pet birds for kids

10 Fun and Fluffy Pet Birds for Your Kids

Kids are fascinated by the birds’ colorful and cute plumage. So why not promote healthy activities for kids? Let’s allow them to have their very own pets. They are not only fun but also help with speech development and have therapeutic qualities. Did you know that some of these 10 breeds do well when bred at home? Get to know the best ten pet birds for kids below!

1.     Budgies (Parakeets)

Budgies are one of the most popular pet birds in the world. They are small and friendly and are easy to care for. They can be kept in an aviary or cage. However, they should be given plenty of space to fly around.

The budgie or parakeet is a small, long-tailed, seed-eating parrot that is native to Australia. They are affectionate, social birds that can be trained to talk. However, they don’t say very much. This makes them great pets for kids because they won’t be too noisy!

best pet birds for kids

2.     Cockatoos

Cockatoos are large parrots with long tails and distinctive crests. They are native to Australia, Indonesia, and New Guinea, but have been introduced to many other parts of the world.

There are several species of cockatoo, and they come in a variety of colors. These birds are highly intelligent, affectionate, and social. It makes them great popular birds companion for people who want a bird that is friendly and easy to train.

Cockatoos are very playful birds that enjoy interacting with their owners. They typically live between 20 and 50 years; however, many can live longer if cared for properly. If you want a long-lived pet bird, choose a cockatoo over other types of birds such as finches or canaries.

3.     Cockatiels

Cockatiels are another popular choice among bird owners. These lively birds are easy to care for and can adapt to living in an aviary or cage with plenty of room to fly around in. Cockatiels make excellent pets for kids. They love attention and will learn new tricks if taught correctly by their owners!

Cockatiels are smaller than cockatoos but still very beautiful and full of personality! Cockatiels are more affordable than other parrots and are often available in pet stores or through breeders.

4.     Macaws

Macaws are large parrots that have long tails and colorful feathers. It makes them stand out from their smaller cousins. These beautiful birds come from Central America, South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean islands. Although some species have been introduced into other parts of the world as well.

In addition to having stunning plumage, macaws make great talkers! They have incredible vocabularies that include whistles, squawks, and other sounds used by wild macaws when communicating with each other. Some owners have reported that their macaws have learned enough words.

5.     Conure Parrot (green-cheeked conure)

The Conure Parrot is a medium-sized parrot and one of the most popular pet birds. It is native to the rainforests of South America, where it can be found in the canopy of trees and makes its home in hollows. The green-cheeked conure is one of the smallest in the conure family and has a long tail that makes it look very exotic.

This bird is very playful, energetic, and intelligent. It will love to interact with you by playing games and learning new tricks. You can also teach your green-cheeked conure some remarkable things like rolling over, standing on its head, shaking hands, and more!

The green-cheeked conure needs lots of attention from its owner at all times or else they may get stressed out easily. You must spend some time each day interacting with your bird so that it doesn’t feel neglected at any cost!

The green-cheeked conure is not that noisy as compared to other parrots but can make some screeching noises when it sees something unusual outside its cage or when it’s time for feeding time.

6.     Eclectus Parrot (Eclectus roratus)

The Eclectus parrot is a medium-sized parrot, about 30 cm (12 in) long. The plumage is mostly emerald green with patches of red, blue, and yellow (depending on the subspecies). It has a black beak and dark grey feet. The male and female are similar in appearance.

Eclectus parrots are native to New Guinea, northern Australia, and some surrounding islands. They have been introduced to many other tropical areas.

These birds are mainly seed eaters in their natural habitat but will also eat fruits and nuts. In captivity, they will accept a wide range of food types including pellets, vegetables, and fruit. Some enjoy eating whole corn on the cob! They should always be offered plenty of freshwater dailies.

7.     Lovebird (Agapornis spp.)

Lovebirds are small parrots from Africa that get their name from the lovey-dovey way they interact with one another and their human companions! They are very social birds and enjoy being held by their human family members.

They are small parrots that can make great pets for children. They are not very loud and do not require a lot of space.

Lovebirds come in a variety of colors, including green, blue, and peach. They are sweet and affectionate, but they can be skittish around new people and loud noises.

They can live up to 15 years if they are properly cared for. They love to chew on wooden toys. It makes them good companions for young children who like to chew on things like pencils or crayons.

Lovebirds should have plenty of time with their owners each day to bond with them. Then get exercise in an aviary or playpen outside the cage. If your child is interested in breeding lovebirds, you should keep an eye out for signs they are ready to mate. These include pacing back and forth in front of each other, fluffing up their plumage, and singing loudly together at dawn or dusk.

8.     Pigeons (aka “rats with wings”)

Pigeons are one of the most popular pets because they are so easy to care for. They don’t require much space and can be easily trained to come when called. They also have a calming effect on people who are stressed out.

They are social animals and need other birds to keep them company. If you have a single pigeon, it will likely become depressed and lonely if you don’t find another one soon enough.

The best place for your new pet is in an open cage with about 4 feet of floor space and at least 2 feet high at the back end of the cage for roosting. Birds like to perch up high where they feel safe from predators like cats or raccoons. It is because they may attempt to reach into their cages from above.

Pigeons are also very territorial, so if you have more than one pair in the same room, watch out! They also can be aggressive towards humans if they feel threatened by something. It includes loud noise or sudden movement near their cage. Don’t get hurt while trying to clean out your bird’s cage!

9.     Canaries and finches

Canaries and finches are both small birds that you can breed at home. They are some of the most popular pet birds in the world. They’re easy to breed, and you can even breed them together if you have two males and two females. It’s a time to save them from the emerging world’s environmental issues.

Canary breeding season is from January until June, but it’s best to wait until February or March when the days start getting longer. These birds will build their nests in anything from a plant pot to a cardboard box, and they prefer a dark location where they can feel safe.

The female will lay around four eggs over three days, and she’ll incubate them for 12 days before hatching them out. You need to keep an eye on the eggs during this time as they may get too hot or cold if left in one place for too long. The chicks will be born with grey feathers and they’ll change color when they grow older.

10. Quaker parrots (also known as monk parakeets)

You’re not alone if you’ve ever wondered whether it’s possible to breed parrots at home. After all, these birds are popular pets around the world. But many people are surprised to learn that quaker parrots can be bred by novice bird owners.

Quakers are one of the most popular species of pet birds in the United States and elsewhere, so it’s no wonder many people want to have their quaker parrots at home. These birds are easy to care for, so new owners can quickly become accustomed to caring for them.

Quaker parrots (also known as monk parakeets) have a calm temperament and make excellent companions for children and adults alike. They’re often said to be one of the best species for first-time bird owners because they don’t require special treatment or extra care compared with other types of birds.


If you want to try bird breeding for your kids, we hope you’ll consider it. It’s a fun hobby, plus it gives you a chance to get closer to nature and its many wonders. We wish you the best of luck!

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