Most gadgets, office supplies, cooking supplies, and various other objects are catered for the right handed population. Also almost 12% of the population in the world are left handed. If you know someone left handed or maybe you are than probably you will agree with the list of the facts below.
There are some unique and common characteristic for everyone left handed persons and below are a few that probably you didi know. Enjoy!
1. Lefties are three times more likely to become alcoholics.
2.College graduates who are left-handed become 26% richer than right-handed ones.
3.Cats, rats and mice are equally left and right-handed even though around 90% of all humans are right-handed.
4.Around 30 million people in the United States are left-handed.
5.Left-handed people are more likely to suffer from insomnia.
6. August 13th is International Left-Handers Day.
7.Between 5-10% of the population are left-handed.
8.They are good at baseball, tennis, swimming, and boxing. Up to 40% of the best tennis players are lefties.
9. They mostly use the right side of the brain.
10.Older women who are over 40 years of age are 128% more likely to give birth to a left-handed baby than a woman in her 20’s.
11.One out of four of the Apollo astronauts was left-handed.
12. Left-handed people have an easier time adjusting to using their right hand if something happens to their left.