Hey everyone, are you looking a way how to save your budget and not feel like you are cash strapped at the end of each month. Saving money on food could be a good start. What you say about start saving on grocery bill. This is a good way for start because there’s often a lot of money that can be saved with very few changes to your family’s eating habits. There are a lot of things that you can do for saving on your grocery bill. With pleasure we have collected a few super useful tricks that you could do right now and start saving. The impact of this tricks is amazing. See below the tips and start saving your budget everyday. Enjoy!
1. Buy In Season
2. Buy In Bulk
3. Is It Safe? – “Best by” and “sell by” dates are just a suggestion and a best guess
4. Use Paper Bags to keep Onions, Garlic, & Shallots fresh for months
5. Take To The Freezer – freezing things to make groceries last longer
6. Freeze Meats
7.Freeze Smoothie Ingredients
8. Avocado Knowledge
9. Store Food In Glass
10. Grow Your Own
11. Last-Minute Milk Use
12. What to Look For When Buying Vegetables
13. Ripen Up Produce
14. Use Sand
source via diply.com