There is a lot of garbage that we need to throw away every single day, but with a little imagination you can do something very useful that will make your proud. So right now stop throw away and look for some ideas in this post.
You can find very very clever ideas of reusing your old jeans, bottle caps, jars, card box, newspapers, and simple there is idea for every single thing that you think to throw it away. And the final product are very cool some of them are useful in garden some like your fashion accessory some for decorating your lovely home. But check them all in the pictures below and pick up your favourite and DIY it. Enjoy!
DIY Toilet Paper Roll Flowers
Toilet paper roll – lamp
DIY Wine Bottle Candles
Give Love With Old Tin Cans
High Functioning Coat Hooks From Tin Cans
Bottle Cap Owl
Candy stand using repurposed plastic bottles
Garden Fertilizer from Eggshells
Flower fairy lights From recycled cardboard