We all think that doing the things like we know, until now, and living our life in routine, is something perfect. Can you imagine that maybe everyday and the whole life you have been doing the things wrong. Just because we’ve been doing something one way for as long as we can remember, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the best way. There are some cool hacks that can help you rethink common activities while saving you time in the process. This can change your life forever. Check out bellow.
An easier way to cut a watermelon to get the most out of it – and to share with many
Wearing bobby pins. The wavy side goes down for maximum hold
As if your way was the only right way, ugh, I hate this attitude. I´m gonna do it my way! 😀
merriell brown
9 years ago
How about you stop trying to tell someone that they are doing something wrong as opposed to saying here’s a better and more efficient way of doing whatever??? Who gave you Authority over Life??
9 years ago
thats horriblee beebee be
you evil cunt want to know everything better
:p 😉
Last edited 2 years ago by admin
victoria suzart
9 years ago
Relax people 😉 its just an easier and shorter way to say that are better ways of doing things 🙂 dont take it literally 😀 just do it ur way, its nothing wrong 😉
9 years ago
maybe when you was child you got hit in your head ?
Or maybe he/she doesn’t really speak English, and that’s the best he/she could do.
9 years ago
you should never eat an apple’s core. all the bacteria, gunk and nasty stuff is gathered in there, and the seeds are bad for your guts, And Windex will actually dry the leather of your shoes and make it brittle after a while so stop being idiots and use shoe polish because that is why it was invented. And for the moron that wrote this, there is liquid shoe polish, nobody uses that canned stuff anymore. So pleas stop being an idiot and inform yourself before trolling people 🙂
Jesus Christ!Some people should get their pills in higher doses….
Rodrigo Michael Schramm
9 years ago
Some of those are really great tips, while others, like the pizza, the banana, the apple and the Windex (merchandising much?) are just crappy. Come on, I’m eating pizza, not calzone!
It removes the smell and kills bacteria just like washing but it doesn’t removes the dye from jeans. Also if you have gum stick to your jeans. After putting them in freezer you can pick those gums off.
Ganeesh Kumar
9 years ago
bitch please!
Karma Kurosaki
9 years ago
I think some of these need more explaining then just saying stuff like “eating apples”
9 years ago
You can`t eat pizza that way!!!!! if their meant to be eaten that way they should have rolled it before serving it!!!!!
9 years ago
Brought to you by Mohammed Mohammed Al-Jabroni Mohammed.
9 years ago
it suks
Bolivia 'In My Eyes'
9 years ago
Vantoro Yudi
9 years ago
who care anyway…? I just did it how i like to do… LOL
As if your way was the only right way, ugh, I hate this attitude. I´m gonna do it my way! 😀
How about you stop trying to tell someone that they are doing something wrong as opposed to saying here’s a better and more efficient way of doing whatever??? Who gave you Authority over Life??
thats horriblee beebee be
you evil cunt want to know everything better
:p 😉
Relax people 😉 its just an easier and shorter way to say that are better ways of doing things 🙂 dont take it literally 😀 just do it ur way, its nothing wrong 😉
maybe when you was child you got hit in your head ?
maybe when you were a child you didnt go to school and learn to structure sentences?
Or maybe he/she doesn’t really speak English, and that’s the best he/she could do.
you should never eat an apple’s core. all the bacteria, gunk and nasty stuff is gathered in there, and the seeds are bad for your guts, And Windex will actually dry the leather of your shoes and make it brittle after a while so stop being idiots and use shoe polish because that is why it was invented. And for the moron that wrote this, there is liquid shoe polish, nobody uses that canned stuff anymore. So pleas stop being an idiot and inform yourself before trolling people 🙂
My hubby uses the canned stuff. Lmao. Of course he’s in his 60’s..
I use the canned stuff… But of course I’m in cadets…
I prefer canned stuff
Jesus Christ!Some people should get their pills in higher doses….
Some of those are really great tips, while others, like the pizza, the banana, the apple and the Windex (merchandising much?) are just crappy. Come on, I’m eating pizza, not calzone!
I think its crap when you ARe given tips like that.
I don’t get the wine stain removal one?
Me too
you can remove a red wine stain using white wine instead of salt
this is ridiculous. -_-
i dont get the apple part. looks like the same to me
its saying that you should eat it from the bottom and eat the core
eat the seeds? urggg
It’s a trick – Get an axe!
I want my two minutes back.
The wine one?
How about the last one., Washing Jeans. Explain please ahe
^_________^V Tia
i need to know as well because all i saw were jeans in the freezer i think
It removes the smell and kills bacteria just like washing but it doesn’t removes the dye from jeans. Also if you have gum stick to your jeans. After putting them in freezer you can pick those gums off.
bitch please!
I think some of these need more explaining then just saying stuff like “eating apples”
You can`t eat pizza that way!!!!! if their meant to be eaten that way they should have rolled it before serving it!!!!!
Brought to you by Mohammed Mohammed Al-Jabroni Mohammed.
it suks
who care anyway…? I just did it how i like to do… LOL