It is so amazing when you see some useful thing that you have never thought that this is the exactly this that you need right now. In this period of really cool innovations everything is possible. For today we have choose one really creative collection of unique products that are borderline genius.
If you see the pictures below we are sure that you could notice at least one item that you need right now. There are useful thing that can be used for needs in your car at home for your bike e.t.c. Take a look and enjoy!
Wireless Bike Security Vest Turn Signal
Panoramic Rear View Mirror
Solar Sunglasses so that you can charge your phone
Solar Powered Window Socket
USB Car Charger Cradle
Carpet Alarm Clock
Cord Identifiers
Table Leg Plug Socket
Sneaker Wash and Dry Bag
Edge Painting Tool
Lightsaber Toasting Knife
LED Shower Head
The Soft Rocker: Solar-Powered Rocking Lounger
Toilet Roll Air Freshener
Hidden Plug Socket