Does the price of a new headboard make you cringe? Us too. So check out these easy-to-do, eye-catching DIY headboards from around the web. All of them are easy to make and will fit into every bedroom decor. Most importantly, they will cost you just a little.
1.Upholstered Otomi DIY Headboards
What you need: wood; foam; batting; fabric; utility knife; scissors; staple gun; flush mount; spray adhesive.
2.Button Nailhead Headboard
What you need: plywood; fabric; batting; buttons; nailheads; foam; adhesive; Gorilla Glue; staple gun. source
3.Wall Decal Headboard
What you need: adhesive wall decal
4.Pegboard Headboard
What you need: 4 pegboards (measure desired dimensions prior to purchase); tape measure; carpenter’s level; pencil; drywall screws; drill; plastic anchors; and pegboard accessory holders.
5.Oar Headboard
What you need: Tape measure; carpenter’s level; wooden plank screws; drill; vintage oars; and mounting brackets.
6.Stenciled Headboard
What you need: fabric; stencil; wood (ask your local hardware store to cut the wood into your desired shape for as little as $11); bed topper foam; Dacron; nailhead trim; fabric paint; spray paint (for the nailhead trim); hammer; staple gun
7.Nailhead Headboard
What you need: Tape measure; carpenter’s level; cardboard; pencil; plywood sheathing (measure desired size prior to purchase); jig saw; sander; foam. Than spray adhesive; batting; staple gun; staples; fabric; scissors; nailheads, 300 ct; rubber mallet; ruler; hammer; drill; and mounting brackets.
8.Book Headboard
What you need: Tape measure; carpenter’s level; 1/4” thick plywood sheathing (measure to desired dimensions prior to purchase); pencil; power saw. Also you will need assortment of books with cool, colorful bindings. X-acto knife; hot glue gun; glue sticks; mounting brackets; screws; and drill.
9.Tufted Headboard
What you need: Tape measure; carpenter’s level; ¼” thick plywood sheathing (measure desired dimensions prior to purchase); power saw; sander; pencil; 2 2” x 4” boards for the legs; screws; drill; thick batting; staple gun; staples; scissors; white drapery lining (measure desired dimensions prior to purchase); ruler; craft jewels; hot glue gun; and glue sticks.
10.Map Headboard
What you need: Vintage, pull-down school map; tape measure; carpenter’s level; pencil; cup hooks; and hammer.
11.French Ticking Headboard
What you need: Tape measure; carpenter’s level; unbleached Osnaburg or linen (measure dimensions prior to purchase); patterning tape; stencil tape; indigo acrylic paint; foam brush; pencil; ruler; newspaper; circular cardboard template; plywood sheathing (measure desired dimensions prior to purchase); power saw; sander; screws; drill; batting; staple gun; staples; scissors; and mounting brackets.
12.Unfinished Barn Door Headboard
What you need: Reclaimed, unfinished barn door; two 5-gallon buckets; gong brush; dishwashing soap; water; Borax; sponge; latex gloves; and mask.
13.Picket Fence Headboard
What you need: Picket fence; beige paint; sponge; dishwashing soap; bucket; carpenter’s level; nails; hammer; and embroidered, muslin hoops.
14.Hand-Painted Chevron-Ikat Headboard
What you need: Tape measure; carpenter’s level; plywood sheathing (measure desired dimensions prior to purchase); power saw; sander; white cotton twill (measure desired dimensions prior to purchase); scissors; staple gun; staples; tape measure; spray bottle; water; lime green and teal acrylic paint; 2 foam paintbrushes; drill; and mounting brackets.
15.Scrap Wood Headboard
What you need: Tape measure; carpenter’s level; pencil; wooden boards (measure desired size prior to purchase); furling strips (quantity depends on desired size); saw; nails; hammer; primer; paint; sandpaper; and mounting brackets.
16.Pre-Lit Branches Headboard
What you need: Pre-lit branches; tape measure; pencil; power saw; ¼” thick plywood sheathing (measure desired dimensions prior to purchase); power saw; staple gun; and staples.
17.Afghan Quilt Headboard
What you need: Afghan quilt; and ¼” plywood sheathing (measure desired dimensions prior to purchase); 2 1” x 4” boards for the legs (measure desired length prior to purchase); tape measure; carpenter’s level; pencil; power saw; sander; paint; and paintbrush.
18.Tribal Print Headboard
What you need: ½” thick sheet of plywood sheathing (measure desired dimensions prior to purchase); 1” x 4” board for the legs (measure desired dimensions prior to purchase); tape measure; carpenter’s level; pencil; jig saw; batting; 2 yards of tribal print fabric; staple gun; staples; and scissors.
19.Ruffles DIY Headboards
What you need: Fabric color of your choosing; sewing machine; thread; tape measure; scissors; screw; drill; and curtain rod.
20.Framed Headboard
What you need: Ornate frame; high-gloss gray paint; newspaper; gatorboard; chalk or pencil; scissors; batting; black-and-white IKEA Saralisa fabric; staple gun; staples; hanging wire; nails; and hammer.