Have ever wondered how the red wine could be useful for your body but sure if you drink only one glass not the whole bottle?
The secret of the red whine is a chemical called Ellagic acid which can slow the growth of fat cells and stop formation of new ones, so your body burns more fat. This chemical also boosts metabolism of fatty acids in liver cells.
New research shows that drinking one-half a bottle (but careful not get drunk) of wine in the evening can help you lose weight faster.
Also there are a lot of other benefits of red wine like a cancer treatment, the active antioxidant in red wine known as quercetin can kill cancer cells, it helps induce natural cell death in certain types of cancers, most often colon cancer.
The red wine contain procyanidins, known for protecting against heart disease.
Resveratrol also helps to remove chemicals responsible for causing blood clots, a primary cause of coronary disease.
Daily consumption of red wine cuts blood clot-related stroke rates by 50 percent.
Drinking a glass of red wine every night increases levels of good cholesterol HDL while helping reduce the bad, LDL.
There is also an interesting data: “Red wine can help you live longer. According to data received, red wine drinkers have a 34 percent lower mortality rate than beer, vodka, or any other beverage drinkers, according to a 29-year-long study”.
If you are struggling to lose weight that you should do the following : around bedtime, try swapping your midnight snack for a glass of wine. Enjoy!