Animals Who Paint Better Than You

People aren’t the only species that are good at art. Have you heard that animals can paint as well and earn money by selling their artistic pieces? Well, yes! They take part in this creative process called art and their art is abstract. People seem to love it and are ready to pay lots of money to have their artwork at home. This is how zoos all over the world earn money mostly at zoo shops and online. It’s good to mention that part of that money goes to the charity which is simply amazing.

You probably already ask yourselves lots of questions such as: Can animals really paint?; Do animals see in color?; Do animals want to paint? and many more… Check out the photos below and see the Animals Who Paint Better Than You. See whether you like their artistic work and whether you would like to spend your savings and buy some of it.

Animals Who Paint And Create Art

Dogs That Paint

animals that make art

These cute pigs have begun painting by accidentally getting into cans of paint that were non-toxic and the owners got a wonderful idea to raise money for their farm by selling the artwork. They use lots of different colors and the final results are pretty good that will make you even question whether the pigs are behind this awesome work.

Pigs That Create Art

pigs painting

Are you wondering what the animals actually see when they paint? It’s said that some of them can’t even recognize colors, so every art piece is merely accidental. However, some can see certain color hues and may have an artistic ability that seems appealing to us after all.

pigs that create art

Scientists have said that the behavior of animals has changed greatly and now they are said to have an aesthetic sense. Their artistic pieces prove that though, don’t you think?

Artistic Rhinescore

animals painting art

Creative Dog

This is Sammy and the way Sammy started painting is pretty funny. His owner attached a brush to his rubber bone and this is how he created an amazing art which was displayed in galleries in New York. The most expensive artwork sold forĀ Ā $1,700.

painter dog

Turtle That Makes Art

Can you believe that this turtle has painted 827 paintings in total? We all have to admit that this is really fast and hard work for a turtle.

turtle painting

Would you like to visit an exhibition that has arts created by animals? Most of the pieces will be abstract. Humans find abstract art really appealing, and I bet that they would like to buy some of them and display them in their homes.

art by animals

Talented Dog

animal made art

Dolphin That Paints

Everyone loves dolphins and now that you see that they are good at art, you will love them even more. This dolphin is painting under the guidance of an instructor and is entertaining visitors atĀ Aquatic Park in Qingdao, Shandong Province, East China.

animals who can paint

Artistic Parrot

This is the parrot Brock who belongs to the species yellow-naped Amazon parrot. This takes places in the Zoo in Oakland and visitors enjoy a show where animals paint in order to raise money for charity.

parrot painting

Gifted Elephants

Did you know that the elephants are given special brushes that prevent them to slip into the elephants’ trunks? Elephants are extremely good at controlling the brush since they have more than 40000 muscles in their trunk and they are able to create some pretty complex drawings.

People have different opinions when it comes to using elephants for “different and unusual” activities and painting has been judges as unethical and cruel by some. What’s your opinion on this topic?

elephant painting
zoo animals painting

When someone asks what do animals do, you will most certainly hear that they eat, sleep, drink and play. You will hardly hear that they create art and paint. Now you have even seen some of their masterpieces. Creative animals do exist, you only need to recognize their talents and work with them a bit. Like you do with a kid. When given the opportunity, they can really master their skills. Moreover, they can even get better than humans. Do you know other animals who paint? Feel free to share their artwork with us cause we would love to see it!

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