Interesting Facts About Rainforests That You Have To Read

To raise awareness of forests and the good they do to the whole wide world we decided to share with you Interesting Facts About Rainforests That You Have To Read. Rainforests are simply great since they hide tons of different unseen plants and animals. There are corners of rainforests that aren’t explored yet, but the ones that have been are totally mesmerizing!

The first thing that people talk about nowadays when we say a rainforest is their destruction. Around 8 million hectares are destroyed every year, and that’s the size of Czech Republic or South Carolina. Can you imagine so many trees being cut down every year? It’s a pity!

Due to the deforestation, 10% of different species are estimated to go extinct in the next 10 years.


The destruction of rainforests will change the climate and will make it more fierce and harsh.

Trees from rainforest are cut down to make clothes. The pulp wood production which contains viscose and rayon are used to make clothing and they are sold far away from the rainforests.


The Amazon river daily pumps enough water to meet the needs of New York city for nine years.

One tree in the rainfirest produces 324 liters of water a year.


Has it ever occurred to you that rainforests are responsible for lots of the food we eat? Much food from our daily diet such as tomatoes, avocadoes, grapefruit, banana, coconuts, cinnamon, sugar, vanilla, cocoa and so much more originally came straight from the rainforest!


The largest tropical rainforest in the world is the Amazon.


One quarter of medicines have been found in the rainforests.


The rainforest are the ones that regulate the temperatures and dictate the weather all around the world.


There isn’t a bridge that crossed Amazon River.


Many rainforest are inhabited by indigenous people and they aren’t in touch with the rest of the world. Approximately 250.000 people call the Amazon rainforest their home. Plus, almost 90 percent of poor people depend on rainforests to meet their needs.


There are rainforests in every continent except the Antarctica. The temperatures there are freezing and the environment isn’t good for plants and animals.


There are more than 6 million different species that live all over the rainforests in the world.


Did you know that rainforests take only 2% from Earth’s surface? But have in mind that more than 50% of all plants and animals live in them!

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