Easter is one one of the biggest holidays that we celebrate, that wakes up in us our festive spirit. Celebrating it includes spending time with our loved people and, of course, decorating our homes according to the festive spirit of the holiday. If you want to add some personal touch in your Eater decoration, then follow these five step by step DIY tutorials to make your own Easter basket.
Time spent with your kids is a real treasure, so there is an idea to spend creative time with your children. This DIY paper plate Easter basket is a fun and useful Easter basket that you can use to store small chocolate Easter eggs. This Easter bag is so easy to be done, your children can use the whole their creativity to decorate it in order to make it special and unique.
To make it you will need the following materials:
- 3 paper plates
- Pink construction paper
- Green ribbon or yarn
- 1 pink pom pom
- 6 white pom pom
- 2 googly eyes or scarps of black paper
- Hole puncher
- Black marker and crayon
- Glue gun
- Scissors
This Eater put your creativity on highest level and follow the instruction below to make your own DIY Easter egg basket out of woven paper. In order to get the perfect woven paper Easter Basket you don’t need to be expert. All you need to make it is your creativity and imagination and some materials that we all already have at home such as:
- Woven paper or old newspaper
- Glue
- Scissors
- Egg
- Tray
- Acrylic paint
Easter is waking up your creativity and your DIY abilities. There is one super cute idea to make an egg shaped basket from thread. It is based on the idea to make different shapes using egg shaped Styrofoam ball. You can use different colors to make your basket more colorful. This Easter basket will be a perfect décor on your Easter table. To make it you will need the following supplies:
- Plastic wrap
- Egg shaped Styrofoam ball
- Pearl straight head pins
- Crochet thread
- Fabric stiffener
- Fabric glue
- Brush
- Scissors
- Class cup
- Different ornaments such as: Easter toys, candies, flowers..
There is an cute and interesting yarn string Easter basket that will make your Easter decoration look amazing. This DIY Easter basket secret is using a balloon, around which you have to twine the strings. Twine the strings tightly, so that when you poke the balloon they maintain a nice shape. Then decorate the basket with ornaments and a cute bunny made from cardstock paper. All the supplies that you will need for this small crafting project are:
- A balloon
- A vase to hold the balloon
- Yarn
- Glue
- Brush
- Scissors
- Cardstock: blue, green etc
- Pen
- Marker
- Ribbon or other decorating ornaments
You have already an Ester basket that looks so boring to you. Well, below there is an interesting step by step tutorial idea how to upgrade your old Ester basket with tulle. The whole trick about making this Easter basket is to find the right old wooden basket with holes along the top so you can thread the tulle through. For this Easter basket you will need:
- Basket
- Tulle
- Scissors
- Tape measure