Easy ways to choose the right off roader for you

The US is one of the most diverse countries in the world, in which we’re lucky to not need to leave the country to experience snowcapped mountains, white sandy beaches, or vast desert scapes that look like a scene captured by the Mars Rover. While roads connect us with iconic places across the US, from mountain towns and ski resorts to desert cities and tropical resorts in the likes of the Florida Keys, in order to get more authentic, you sometimes need to go off-road.

off road

Going off-road can be daunting if you’ve never done it before. However, as long as you are well prepared, have planned your route and know exactly what requirements your vehicle needs then there is little that can go wrong that you won’t be able to handle. One of the most important parts of planning an off-road trip is choosing your vehicle.


Below, we’ll take a look at some of the best vehicles for off roading adventures across the US.


 Aspects to consider when choosing an off-roader


Choosing a car, you can go off roading in is an important decision and one that could make or break your trips. Let’s take a look at some of the factors you need to consider when choosing an off-roading vehicle below.


  • Cost – It can be easy to fall in love with a top of the line off roading vehicle, however it’s important to be realistic with what you can afford. Stretching the budget too far could mean you don’t get to go on as many trips in the vehicle each year.


  • Efficiency rating- With the political state of the world right now, fuel is getting more and more expensive. Be sure to check the fuel efficiency rating of any vehicle by seeing how many miles per gallon it does, as well as the EPA rating.


  • Read online reviews – If you want to find out the pros and cons of a vehicle, the best way is to read reviews of people’s real-life experiences.


  • Take a test drive – You won’t know how the vehicle feels or truly handles being off road until you’ve taken it for a test drive. Just make sure the place where you’re test driving is legal before you speed off down a dirt track.


  • Consider the tires – Tires are incredibly important when it comes to off roading. After all, they are the only thing keeping you connected to the ground. Tires like the vision off roading wheels are a versatile option that come i a range of styles to suit every need.


The best vehicles for off roading

Without further ado, we will take a closer look at some of the best vehicles made to handle the challenges of off roading.

Land Rover Defender

As British as it gets, the Land Rover Defender is a popular option with the British Royal Family and has been used for off roading on their private estates in Scotland. With a Monocoque construction frame, the defender is both durable and agile.

jeep Wrangler

Probably a more popular option in the States, the Jeep Wrangler has a spacious interior and a downsized engine in newer models. While it is not as smooth to handle as its British rival, it makes for a wild and durable ride.

Toyota Land Cruiser

This Japanese vehicle is a body-on-frame off roader icon, known for its steel wheels and affordability. What’s great is the vehicle is high spec and comes with a number of off roading extra features, as well as being able to seat up to 7 passengers.

Overall, off-roading can be a tricky business and can even be quite risky if you don’t know what you are doing. However, by selecting the right vehicle, it can transform your experience and make off-roading a less daunting and more exhilarating experience.

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