Eight Foods That Will Help You Boosting Your Mood

We all know that sometimes food can be our best medicine. Maybe food has not a miracle effect, but if you eat properly and you include all the needed fruits, veggies, whole grains and lean proteins, be sure that your body will be energized and your mood will be boosted. Below we have selected a list of the healthiest foods that you body and mind need. Read the foods that will give you an extra mood boost and try to eat them every day to keep your health safe.

1. Almonds

A handful of almonds will keep your body energized and your mind health. Start the day with a breakfast smoothie rich with almonds. Eating almonds is even easier if you are taking a walk outside the house, because there is less mess in the home, so here is an idea what to ring with you the next time you go for a walk.


2. Bananas

Bananas are rich with vitamin B6 which helps prevent cognitive decline and reduce mood-related symptoms of PMS. Bananas are rich with fiber (each of them provides 12% of the daily needed fiber for better digestion) so here is another reason why to start the day with a banana.


3. Edamame

Soybeans are considered to be one of the best foods that you can eat in your life. They provide a plant-based protein source, vitamins and minerals crucial for reducing the risk of chronic disease Ā so you must include them in your daily menu if you havenā€™t done it yet.


4. Green Tea

Green tea is one of the drinks that you can drink in order to boost your mood. The green tea contains antioxidant compounds that have cancer-fighting properties and it can reduce the risk of other chronic disease. Drink at least one cup of green tea in order to keep yourself healthy.


5. Figs

Figs are rich with potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron and that makes them one of the healthiest fruits. These minerals help with blood flow and muscle contraction which is considered to be the crucial key for falling asleep.


6. Salsa

Take tomatoes, onions, peppers, herbs and chop them on small slices. The resulting mixture also known as salsa is one of the healthiest salads and is so familiar to Mexican food, that you will simply adore it. Here is a healthy idea for salad for tomorrow’s lunch.


7. Avocado

Because of the hearth-healthy unsaturated fats, fibers and phytocemicals that avocado is rich with it is considered to be one of the healthiest fruits that has disease-fighting powers. That is why avocado is one of the fruits that all the diets recommend.


8. Raspberries

Raspberries are probably one of the most delicious fruits and definitely one of the healthiest too. One cup of them has 8 grams of fiber- which is a third of what a humanā€™s body need in a day, and only 5 grams sugar which is amazing. Here is a perfect idea what to chance your dessert with the next time.


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