How to Save Money on Your Holidays

At this time of year many of us usually start thinking about our holidays, with many planning an Easter break when the kids are off or a summer holiday to relax and unwind. However, this year, after a particularly difficult financial year, many may be worried about whether they can actually afford to go on holiday, and with the economic downturn and the recession causing further money worries for many households it has become increasingly important to try and cut costs if you do plan to go away.


With the value of sterling falling things are not looking too good for those looking to get away for a while and forget about the stresses of everyday life, but the good news is that you can get some deals that can increase affordability when it comes to going away. Of course, you will need to be fairly flexible with regards to where and when you go, as this can increase your chances of getting a cheaper holiday, but at least you will get the chance to get away and unwind for a while or enjoy a romantic trip with a loved one, which is something that we all like to do.


The fact that fewer people are going on holiday because of their financial worries means that hotels are not doing as much business, and in order to try and get people through the doors many are offering special deals and lower tariffs on accommodation. Make sure that you compare the prices and deals at a number of hotels in the destination that you plan to travel to. You could enjoy things like free dinner and breakfast, free nights, or cut price deals on weekend or mid-week breaks, which can save you money.

Saving for your holiday

If you are looking to go abroad for your holiday bear in mind that some major airlines are cutting prices at the moment in order to get seats filled in the current challenging climate. Compare prices with different airlines to try and get the cheapest price, and remember that it can be considerably cheaper to fly on certain days and out of season, so if you don’t have to go in peak season then avoid this and go in a less busy period, as you could save a fortune on your flights as well as your accommodation.

Check out late rooms with hotels, as many will advertise any empty rooms at knock down prices at the last minute. If you are open minded about where you stay then checking out hotel rooms just before you head off means that you could get your accommodation at a knock down price. Also, when you are changing travel money, if you are going abroad, shop around for the best rates, as they can vary from one company to another.

Taking these tips into consideration means that you can look forward to a more enjoyable holiday and cut the cost of spending time abroad.

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