The Most Common Reasons Applications for Immigration to Canada are Rejected

Canada is an incredible country, filled to the brim with natural beauty and a diverse population made up of many different ethnicities and cultures. It’s recognized as the new melting pot of the Northern Hemisphere, where people from all walks of life are welcomed. Canada is expecting to take in nearly one million new immigrants between 2018 and 2020. Data from a countrywide census in 2016 showed that 21.9% of the Canadian population reported that they are, or at one stage were, an immigrant themselves.

There are so many happy stories of families moving to start a new life in Canada, but every year there are thousands and thousands of applications made that end up rejected, costing thousands in application fees, and leaving people hopeless, dejected, and heartbroken. This doesn’t have to be the case.

Whether intentional or not, misrepresenting your application will spell disaster if you are caught. The persons surveying applications are well versed and trained to pick up inconsistencies and will question anything that does not seem legitimate. Misrepresentation can happen unintentionally too, simply not understanding and answering a question incorrectly or forgetting to include information can see an application denied.

If there’s a sure-fire way to ensure that a visa application is denied, then missing the deadline has got to be it. Deadlines are enforced to ensure that every ongoing case is moving towards completion and that the system does not become overloaded and slow. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) often implement deadlines for people to submit certain forms by a specific date, and if one of these deadlines are missed, the application concerned will be denied. Another way to ensure your visa application is rejected is to fail to send the correct documentation that is requested from CIC. Often these types of mistakes happen when a person is attempting to file an application without consulting others for advice. This can be avoided if you use a specialized Canada Immigration Lawyer from Toronto.

With over fifty different immigration applications to choose from, each with their eligibility factors, making sure that you qualify before applying comes down squarely on the applicant. There is plenty of information on the requirements of each visa type (age, occupation, skill level, work experience, etc.) online. You should always check your eligibility.

Having a criminal record is also a common reason that many visa applications are denied, especially if it is not disclosed upfront. To make it through the application process, you must pass criminal background checks that include every country you’ve resided in for six months or longer, after the age of 18. This is meant to ensure immigrants are safe to enter the country and will not pose a health or safety risk for other Canadian residents.

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