Why a surf vacation is a great idea

There was a time when surfing was the domain of counterculture, pot smoking beach bums. As recently as the 1960’s and 1970’s, surfing was looked upon with a certain level of disdain. There is no doubt that times have changed. Today, there are more than 30 million surfers around the world, as surfing has gained mainstream acceptance since the 1980s. The annual revenue for this industry exceeds $6 billion.

Surfing is a great summer vacation activity. Surf holidays have increased in popularity over the last 20 years, and they’ve helped put some countries on the tourist map, such as Bali. Consequently, there are more surf camps targeting both beginners and intermediates due to this popularity surge. Most people who learn to surf do so at surf camps in countries such as Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Morocco.

Become an expert surfer anywhere in the world. From the warm waters of Panama to Portugal’s beautiful white sand beaches. Prior to making a booking, you should thoroughly research the destination you intend to visit. The following are 6 reasons why you should surf during your next holiday.

1. Good for health and fitness

Surfing is one of the few sports to provide a full-body cardio workout. The paddling you’ll be doing will work your upper body a lot, and once you’re on your surfboard, your legs will really engage. You will also be able to improve your breath work by duck diving under the waves.

2. Beauty and tranquility

A few beginner surf camps are located in truly picturesque parts of countries, where the surrounding landscape will take your breath away. Places like Imouane in Morocco and Padang Padang in Bali come to mind. There is something unique and revered about surfing, regardless of where you are in the world.

3. Relatively affordable

A surfboard and a wetsuit (sometimes) is all you need. A surf camp provides all the equipment needed for a surf lesson – surfboards and wetsuits – for those who want to learn to surf and if you need more interesting info you an check https://ombe.co/. There is no need for wetsuits in tropical destinations like Costa Rica or Bali because their water is so warm. When getting into surfing and going on frequent surf holidays in colder waters, wetsuits are usually recommended.

4. Ideal for single travellers

Solo travellers are attracted to surfing camps because of how social they are. All campers are taken to the beach every morning for a surf lesson. This is a great chance to meet everyone in a congenial atmosphere. There is nothing wrong with that. You can still meet people on your trip if you take lessons at a surf camp, even if you aren’t staying at a surf camp. Surf camps also provide other activities which are perfect for meeting others. These include wakeboarding, kayaking, and even jumping on a water trampoline.

5. Teams up well with yoga holidays

When you’re looking for a balanced holiday that allows you to enjoy other activities besides yoga or meditation, surfing is the perfect complement. Many surf camps these days offer yoga classes after or before the surf lessons. Surf and yoga is indeed becoming a very popular combo vacation.

6. Cultural immersion

A traveller is able to discover exotic places in the world through surfing that may not otherwise be discovered. As examples, you can explore exotic cultures of ancient people like the Berbers in Morocco. There are many local surfers in their given country, which allows for meaningful friendships to form.


You can’t just look at surfing as a sport. It’s a lifestyle. In addition, it makes for epic holidays all around the world. If you’re planning a vacation next year, consider going on a surf vacation instead of a sightseeing or relaxation trip.

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