10 Simple Things We Do Wrong Everyday

Almost everyone of us do the basics things automatically as we have habits to do them. Have you ever thought that you can improve your life with some little hacks. Have you ever asked yourself that maybe you are doing something wrong.
Dear friend here are 10 more examples of using the things wrong and how to do them the right way.
Take a look below and enjoy!

How toĀ iron without anĀ iron

If you donā€™t enjoy ironing, you might want to try out this little trick. Place your clothes in the dryer with three cubes of ice, and turn it on for 15 minutes. The steam produced by the drying process will get rid of all the wrinkles in your clothing. Just remember not to put too many items of clothing in at any one time.

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Cooling drinks down inĀ the heat

Fill aĀ large bowl with water and ice atĀ aĀ ratio ofĀ 1:1, then add salt (2Ā tablespoons for 1Ā liter ofĀ water). Place your bottle inĀ the water soĀ that itĀ isĀ completely covered inĀ ice and water. InĀ 2Ā minutes itĀ will beĀ 8-10 degrees cooler.

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Defense against insects

Paper cupcake cases are anĀ excellent way toĀ keep your drink safe from marauding insects.

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Choosing foundation

When choosing foundation, test its color on your neck rather than on your face or wrist.

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Speeding upĀ your battery-charging time

Your smartphone will charge aĀ great deal faster ifĀ you put itĀ into ā€™flight mode.ā€™

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How toĀ peel anĀ egg easily

ToĀ remove aĀ boiled egg from its shell with minimal hassle, put aĀ teaspoon ofĀ baking soda inĀ the water before boiling.

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Another life for plastic bottles

With the help ofĀ the neck and lid ofĀ anĀ ordinary plastic bottle, you can hermetically seal bags containing food that isĀ likely toĀ dry out quickly.

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Protect your phone from moisture

ToĀ protect your phone from water and moisture when youā€™re atĀ the beach orĀ taking aĀ shower, just use anĀ ordinary sealable plastic bag.

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Removing lipstick marks

Ordinary hair spray can help get rid ofĀ lipstick marks onĀ clothes. Simply spray the mark and leave for about 10Ā minutes. Then rub itĀ with aĀ wet sponge and put itĀ inĀ the washing machine.

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Stop your headphones from getting tangled

You can use the piece ofĀ plastic normally used toĀ seal aĀ bag ofĀ bread inĀ order toĀ prevent your headphones from getting all tangledĀ up.

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