12 Helpful DIY Survival Kits For All The Worst-Case Scenarios

Hey everyone we want to share with you a super useful collection of helpful DIY survival kits that will help you in every unexpected ā€œsituationā€. In our opinion these are the necessary kits that everyone of us must have it. Camping kit, car kit, winter kit are just a part of this collection that will make your life easier. They are cheap but very very useful in every situation not only in case of emergency. Take a look below and enjoy!

1.Ā College kit that will help you brave the germ-filled shitshow that is campus life


Items include:
-Gas-X and Pepto
-Cold medicine
-Ice pack
-Antibiotic ointment Ā  Ā via Ā onehundreddollarsamonth.com

2. Bathroom first aid kit thatā€™ll make you seem responsible and prepared

2Items include:
-Hydrogen peroxide
-Antiseptic wipes Ā via Ā momadvice.com


3. Car safety kit that you need in case of an emergency


Items include:
-Bungee cords
-First aid essentials
-Car games Ā  Ā via Ā popsugar.com

Ā 4. Heavy-duty version for when winter is coming

4Items include:
-Non-clumping kitty litter (for when tires meet ice)
-Heated emergency blanket
-Hand warmers
-Fix-a-Flat kit Ā  Ā  Ā via Ā hoosierhomemade.comĀ 

5. Teeny-tiny kit to keep with you alwaysā€¦just in case

5Items include:
-SPF Chapstick
-Pills Ā  Ā via Ā chasinggreen.org

6. First aid beach bag will prepare you for everythingĀ butĀ the sharks

6Items include:
-Aloe vera gel
-Extra water bottle
-Dramamine for boat or car sickness
-Baby powder (to get that tricky sand off your skin) Ā  Ā viaĀ hellonatural.co

7. Camping kit that will calm down even theĀ leastoutdoorsy people on the trip

7Items include:
-Duct tape
-Wet Wipes
-Dish soap
-Fly swatter
-SPF Chapstick Ā  Ā via Ā Ā thebensonstreet.com

8. Simple kit is best if youā€™re only going for a day hike

8Items include:
-Gauze and bandagas
-Swiss Army knife
-Moleskin patches for blisters Ā  viaĀ foodstoragemoms.com

9. Travel-proof kit that will save a trip to the drugstore during your trip

9Items include:
-Personal prescription meds
-Cold medicine (day and night)
-Anti-itch creams
-Stool softener for when traveling royally screws up your stomach. Ā  Ā viaĀ cestchristine.com

10. Baby first aid kit with the essentials

10Items include:
-Gentle antiseptic skin cleanser
-Baby aspirin
-Infant thermometer
-Nasal aspirator Ā  viaĀ pinterest.com

11. Pet emergency kit, because theyā€™re basically your children, too

11Items include:
-Tick and flea combs
-Spare collar
-Splint-making supplies Ā  viaĀ ammothedachshund.com

12. Emergency kit to help the bride stay chill AF on her wedding day

12Items include:
-Safety pins
-Mini sewing kit
-Hair spray
-Stain remover
-Pressed powder Ā  via Ā kissmytulle.comĀ  Ā  via Ā buzzfeed.com

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