Levitation is a phenomenon of psychokinesis where objects can be lifted into the air, for no apparent physical reason. This phenomenon can occur either spontaneously or as a result of conscious control. The duration of this phenomenon is from a few minutes to several hours. Generally speaking, levitation requires a large amount of attention and being in a trance state. …
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This Little Feature Has Saved The Lives Of Hundreds Of Children
Hey friends i’m 100% sure that everyone of you is familiar with this ballpoint pens. In 1991, the BIC company presented the world with a new design solution for its pens which remained completely unnoticed by the majority of people: there was now a small hole in the top of the cap of their extremely popular Cristal Pen. Have you …
Read More »She Attach 4 Hula-Hoops To Her Small Garden. What She Makes is Really Brilliant!
Dear friend this time of the year is perfect for start planning your garden or make something unique in your current garden. If you like to make some DIY project that this video is perfect beginners guide for you, This is considered a ‘hoop house. Because of the shape of the frame it is made from hula hoops. However, you …
Read More »It Looks Like The SMALLEST Car In The World, But Watch What Happens When He Opens The Door. Amazing
Dear friends i have been always impressed by creative engineers & designers. Their creations are so unique and can really make our life easier. Meet Mikael Kjellman an AMAZING Swedish design engineer. He was very much interested in bikes, and one day he decided he wanted a bicycle that was weather-protected and more comfortable than the traditional bike. He came …
Read More »This Famous Abandoned Cruise Ship Was Boarded By A Photographer And The Photos Are Haunting
Probably you have heard about the famous cruise ship Costa Concordia. Really amazing ship with a lot of luxury and uniqueness into. The capacity: this ship housed over 4,000 passengers at a time. With 1,500 cabins, a casino, and a multi-level theater, tit was basically a mobile ocean city. Sadly, on January 13th, 2012, the Costa Concordia sunk when it …
Read More »Amazing: See How Long You Would Need To Save To Buy An Apartment In The World’s Biggest CIties
If you are curions like us than maye while you are traveling from town to town you have been asked yourself about the prices the standard the live there. So recently bring side our- favorite page has made one super cool article that feed my curiosity. I have always wanted to know how much should i work to save money …
Read More »Ingenius Idea To Fix A Broken Zipper
Dear friend this struggle with the zipper that won’t close is common for everyone of us. The zipper really is an amazing invention when you think about it, and its mechanics have pretty much stayed the same. It is used in so many things and it is very helpful in our life. Even it seems so simple how it works …
Read More »7 Amazing Illustrations That Describe Life In The Office Perfectly
Everyone who works at the office will agree with the presented pictures below. Actually even if our job is different the office work is different too but there are a few common situations that almost every office worker faces. These illustrations below demonstrate perfectly what office life can be like. Take a look and enjoy! source source source source source …
Read More »10 Absolutely Adorable Images Which Every Parent Will Understand
The kids especially while they are babies are the most important part of our lives they are our treasure they are our everything and they are so so so cute. Probably you are preparing yourself too much before become a parent but there are always some small cute adorable surprises that will make you laugh while doing the parents job. …
Read More »8 Smart And Super Creative Things That Make Parenting More Fun
The parenting job it is not easy task and it requires a lot of effort. People are very creative when they have a need for something that can make their life easier. They invent many smart things and clever solutions that has improved our life and lifestyle. For making the parenting much more easier there are so many inventions around. …
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