Levitation is a phenomenon of psychokinesis where objects can be lifted into the air, for no apparent physical reason. This phenomenon can occur either spontaneously or as a result of conscious control. The duration of this phenomenon is from a few minutes to several hours. Generally speaking, levitation requires a large amount of attention and being in a trance state. Levitating saints were surrounded by expressive light around their bodies. Some physicists believe that levitation can be scientifically confirmed. It would be the result of a mind entering the zero point of energy and an alternate state of consciousness. Street levitation, on a first sight is a kind of a levitation, but we will reveal the trick below.
Most see this phenomenon as a coincidence, a trick, an illusion, an autosuggestion, or they simply deny its existence. On the other hand, spiritual and religious communities tend to interpret levitation as a supernatural action. They present it as influenced by a higher power and believe in it. How to learn levitation? This question plagues many media, magicians and parapsychologists. This ability serves as proof of man’s supernatural ability. The phenomenon itself is of a magical or divine nature.
Street Levitation
Dear friends probably when you have traveled and visited a bid places you have met the life performers around the center of the city. You can meet all type starting from musicians finished with illusionists.
There’s something about those sidewalk magicians that are truly mind-boggling, though. More recently, there has been an increase in a particular kind of street performance, being the levitating act in which the performer essentially mimics the levitating Yogis of India. Needless to say, this trick has left many people in awe because it seems so amazing.
It is some kind of variation of a human statue. The levitating performer seems to defy the laws of physics. It is so by floating on nothing other than a cane (or staff), making it look as if they are in a deep meditative state. The truth behind the magic is actually much more simple than you could imagine. The street performers use a variety of hidden pieces in order to comfortably support themselves and, as a result, they appear to be levitating. Their extremely baggy clothing is what hides the platform that they use to sit on, as well as the other components of the support. It is pretty simple trickĀ and seems so amazing.
See the video below for more detailed info