Creative DIY Wall Painting Ideas That Will Transform Your Boring Home Into An Amazing Place To Live In

Are you feeling a little bored to live in the same home décor for years? Do you want to change something in it in order to feel like it is the same old place but with some new décor that makes it less boring? Furnishing the home with new furniture can change it completely, but new furniture can cost a fortune indeed. If you are planning some home decoration that won’t cost you too much, one thing you can do is to check the DIY wall painting ideas and see whether you’d like to recreate them. On your own. Yes, it may sound too difficult or rare, but believe us, painting the walls by professionals can also be very expensive. It can be a bit difficult to find the right contractor nowadays as well.

That is why sometimes you have to take things into your hands. In the gallery below we have selected some helpful tutorials that will make this entire job that you consider too difficult easier. Follow the instructions from the gallery below, choose the desired wall design, and grab the painting brush. Be careful with the choice of colors.

These DIY wall painting ideas will help you repaint your home like a real professional. Now you can decorate your home just after your own desires and wishes. And the best is that you won’t spend a big amount of money. You will pay just the paint, and you will save the money needed for the contractors. Sounds amazing right?

1.Use a whisk broom to add texture to your wall paint

Painting the walls the ordinary way may not be appealing to you if you are looking for something more bold and eye-catching. Are you looking forward to adding texture to the walls? The broom which you already have in your home can help you a great deal to make the walls in your home more modern and contemporary. This is the easiest way to transform your wall without having to hire a professional.

diy wall painting ideas for living roomsource

2.Utilize a roller to add texture to your wall

Has it occurred to you that thanks to a roller you can add texture to your walls in an instance. You can either buy them or find ways to create them on your own. Do research, google it, look at plenty of tutorials and find out how to create this type of roller. Once you do the walls, everyone will be asking you who has done them, and then you can brag that it’s all your work. All the effort will pay in the end, believe me!

easy paint designs for walls source

3.Create your own pattern by outlining it on the wall using a cardboard model

Do you have a certain idea in your mind and you can’t seem to find the desired model anywhere? Well, I think it’s time to pull up your sleeves and do it on your own by using cardboard or another piece of paper that it’s easy to work with. Then, you will be able to outline it on the wall effortlessly.

creative wall painting ideassource

4. Use butterfly decorations made of paper to improve the look of your bedroom

If you are scared to do big changes on your wall with paint, then think about adding paper decorations that are easy to remove when you are over them. These butterflies make the ambiance in the room more playful and fresh. best wall design source

5. Heart-shaped 3D wall decorations

There are different techniques when it comes to painting. The 3D technique is a really popular one and you have to admit that these hearts look amazing on the wall.

diy wall drawing ideassource

6. Organize art supplies into a rainbow display

Are you hooked on art and you have plenty of art supplies in your home? If they are not organized in the proper way, you may want to check out this idea and recreate it.

organize art suppliessource

I hope that these DIY wall painting ideas have inspired you to get down to work on your own without hiring professionals who are going to cost you a fortune. Do you already have some design in mind? Let me know in the comments below because I would love to hear from you!

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