Fun Easy-To-Make DIY Egg Shells Decorations

We are surrounded by a bunch of items that end up in the trash when used. However, latest trends have drawn societyā€™s attention to this problem and the consequences that come with it. That is why our website has offered you a lot of articles that revolve around the topic of furniture and recycled items. In addition to projects that use pallets, toilet paper rolls, reels, glass containers and plastic bottles, today we present you several egg shells decorations.

Now that Easter is behind us I somehow got obsessed with eggs and thought about possible ways to reuse the egg shells in the home and turn them into lovely decorations that will make a statement. If you want to make interesting decorations that won’t cost you much money stay tuned and get inspired. These Fun DIY Egg Shells Decorations That Are Easy To Make will get your attention and will get you down to work pretty soon.

DIY Egg Shells Decorations

There are tons of ways to reuse them and I already have several of them. I find it pretty hard to make a pick though. Scroll down and see how you would love to incorporate the egg shells in your home and use them every day or for Easter. Although you have a whole year ahead of us it’s good to have them in mind for next year when the holidays come as well, isn’t it?Ā Are you good at drawing and you just love abstract art? Has it ever occurred to you that you can draw the inside of the egg shell and display it in your home as decoration?

Feel creative and come up with interesting and different patterns!


Would you like to add some gold details in your home decor through some lovely spring decorations? The empty shells seem to be the perfect way to do it. Spray paint them in gold and turn them into flower vases to your favorite miniature flowers! Use the cardboard eggs holder too cause it will work perfectly well for you!


Don’t you just love the hanging flower pots made of egg shells? They are super modern and fit into every home decor!


Are you into mosaic art and you often find yourselves creating some? Well, it turns out that you can use the broken pieces of egg shells to create stunning masterpieces!


You can create a marvelous table masterpiece by using egg shells, so you may want to save this idea for next Easter and fascinate everyone with your DIY project.


Have your own mini succulent garden in egg shells this time! It’s super easy to do it!


This is a great way to mark the seating place for your guests next time you are hosting a dinner.

Do you enjoy making homemade candles from time to time? Now you can use the empty egg shells to make them!

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