How To Declutter Your Wardrobe In A Few Easy Steps

Am I the only one that immediately associates the coming of spring with spring cleaning? I love to clean and refresh my home when winter ends, and now that spring is just around the corner I thought that you’d like to see some cleaning tips when it comes to clothes organization too. Wardrobes can be such a mess even after a day or two after we have organized them, can’t they? Unless you have incorporated some ticks to declutter your wardrobe right, it won’t stay neat for a long time.

Are you about to finally get rid of everything that you don’t use regularly and try to store everything perfectly well? Here are some tricks that you will find useful!

How To Declutter Your Wardrobe?

Get Rid Of The Clothes You Don’t Wear

You probably already know the rule that you should throw away anything that you haven’t worn for a year, right? There are some other questions to consider too when you are trying to figure out whether to keep certain clothing pieces. Think about the way you felt when you wore a certain piece, whether you need to gain or lose weight to wear it, or whether you don’t wear it often because it needs excessive ironing or dry cleaning. The answers to these questions are going to help you sort your clothes and remove them from your wardrobes if you don’t wear them often. Make sure you store them under the bed or any other storage unit if you are not sure what to do with them, but remember not to keep them in your wardrobe because they will give it a bulky look.

how to organise your wardrobe

Invest In Good-Looking And Practical Hangers

Once you have made a decision about which clothes to keep and which one to throw away, you should invest in some hangers. They should all be the same design since they are the key to a decluttered look of your wardrobe when you first take a look at it. Consider the pieces of clothing you have before you buy them and be careful to get some for trousers and skirts as well.

questions to ask when decluttering clothes

Divide And Conquer

It’s of utmost importance to divide your wardrobe into compartments and let every type of clothing have its separate place. Anu huge wardrobe that it’s not used up to its capacity can become an efficient and utilized spot once it’s filled with customizable shelves and drawers. Make a separate storage unit for your bags and shoes and have everything within the reach of your hand,

how to declutter your wardrobe

Organize Your Bags

Let’s admit it, women have an endless number of bags and purses that will go well with their fashion combinations. Well, those bags can make your wardrobe messy and disorganized. It’s pretty hard to organize those bags if you don’t have a separate unit for them. A separate big shelf is a great idea if you don’t have enough space for them in the wardrobe. If you decide to keep them inside your wardrobe, we advise you to divide the area with glass, so there’s enough space for just one or two bags in one compartment. In this way, they won’t fall down every time you try to take one bag out.

how to organise and declutter your wardrobe
wardrobe organization

Drawers are the smartest thing that you can have in your wardrobes. They keep things out of sight even when they are not perfectly arranged. Make sure you label each drawer, so every member of the family will know the exact place of the items and they won’t make a mess when they are either putting things inside or taking them out.

organization tips

Use Bins And Baskets

Bins and baskets are the ideal solutions for you if your wardrobe doesn’t have enough drawers to accommodate all the small things. They will help you sort them all and organize them in a polished way. See-through baskets and bins are great when it comes to finding your things easily but they won’t add up to the aesthetic look of your wardrobe. You can still label everything and keep track of your belongings.

wardrobe organization hacks
tips to declutter wardrobe

Sort Baby Clothes By Size

Babies seem to outgrow clothes faster than the speed of light and you are certainly going to have clothes of different sizes in your baby’s wardrobe regardless of whether they are bigger or smaller. People are also going to come to you with lots of gifts, and you will end up having clothes for the first year of your baby if not longer. A common situation of many moms is to put the clothes in the wardrobe and forget about them. Well. the best way to organize them and keep everything in sight is to put them on hangers and divide them according to size and age. When the baby has outgrown certain clothes just remove them and store or donate them.

clothes organization

Are these tips going to help you declutter your wardrobe? Let me know how did it go!

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