These Incredible Photos Show How Our Planet Is Changing

Our planet is in constant changing every second glaciers melt, rivers dry up and appear again, cities expand, forests and deserts shift around. However there are cool and amazing natural places that the planet create and they are breathtaking. There are amazing photos that NASA has made and that show how these man made and natural beauties has been changed during the years.Some of the photographic evidence is truly unbelievable. Now you have the chance to see these beautiful and thought-provoking images for yourselves!

Growth ofĀ cities (Nevada, 1984Ā ā€” 2007)

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AnĀ evolution ofĀ aĀ river (Mexico, 1985Ā ā€” 2007)

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AĀ melting glacier (Himalayas, 1956Ā ā€” 2007)

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Urban expansion (Egypt , 1987Ā ā€” 2014)

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AĀ glacier inĀ decline (Peru, 1978Ā ā€” 2011)

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AĀ damā€™s impact onĀ nature (Paraguay, 1985Ā ā€” 2010)

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Yosemite National Park glacier (1883Ā ā€” 2015)

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The Seven Dams Project (Turkey, 1987Ā ā€” 2011)

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Heavy floods inĀ Cambodia (2013)

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Thawing ofĀ glaciers (Alaska, 1941-2004)

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AĀ dwindling water reservoir (New Mexico, 1991Ā ā€” 2011)

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The drying upĀ ofĀ Lake Urmia (Iran, 1985Ā ā€” 2010)

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Missouri River leaves its banks (Nebraska, 2011Ā ā€” 2012)

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Dramatic landscape changes (Alaska, 1891Ā ā€” 2005)

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Impact ofĀ Hurricane Katrina (Louisiana, 1983Ā ā€” 2011)

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