What to look for when hiring a professional photographer

There are certain events in life that can’t be photographed by amateur photographers; not if you want something worth keeping. These types of events include weddings, milestone celebrations and graduations, along with business events like a launch party or sporting events. The list goes on and it just isn’t enough for any old someone to pick up a camera, aim and shoot. The images that are produced will have a massive effect. They can stay in pride of place of mantel pieces, become part of a families or towns history and even help to sell products. When it comes to important events, the photography is just as important and shouldn’t be scrimped on.Photography1

Here’s what you should look for when you hire a professional photographer:

  • How much experience do they have?- Photography is a very hands on job and you learn through experience. As most other things, practice makes perfect so you can be fairly sure that an experienced photographer will be able to provide you with quality photos. This is because a photographer with experience will be able to make the best of any given time, location or situation. They will know the best spots to shoot, how the lighting will affect the image and they’ll plan ahead so you don’t have to.
  • Attention to detail- There’s no point in hiring a photographer who doesn’t pay attention to detail. When you hire a professional it should be because you can rely on them to concentrate throughout the entire event and get the best photos possible. This requires familiarising themselves with the area beforehand and anticipating how guests will react to certain situations. Of course, make a list for your photographer if there are specific images you want but for the most part, your photographer should be able to exceed your expectations.
  • Equipment- If the only piece of equipment that your photographer can show you is a digital camera, run! A professional photographer should have at least two back cameras, lenses, flashes and other equipment ready and waiting on the day of the event so they are prepared to take any kind of shot necessary. It will be cheaper to use a family member or friend to take photos but, just like all other devices, cameras are temperamental and you take the risk of losing all of your images.
  •  Can you rely on them?- A professional photographer will confirm all of the event details with you some time in advance and may even ask you for the contact details of someone else if they have questions on the day. This is because a photographer will know better than anyone that an event organiser will be busy with guests and other things on the day of the event and won’t have time to answer questions. This is a sign of professionalism so you know that the burden is off your shoulders.
  • Do customers have a good relationship with your photographer?- A rule of hiring any professional is to check their references first. A professional photographer will have developed excellent relationships with their customers; they may even have photographed growing families for decades. They will also have good working relationships with other businesses like DJ’s, videographers and florists. If you ask around their area of work, you’re bound to get truthful accounts from past clients.

Event Photos Melbourne  is a professional photography company that specialises in taking exceptional photos at commercial and private events. With over twenty years’ experience they are a prime example of what you should look for in professional photographers.


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