8 Food Products That We Have Always Opened On The Wrong Way

Hey friends in our daily life we do such many things. Maybe there are some things that we are doing wrong but simple we have used to it and we life with it. Anyway we think that maybe it will be interesting for you to know that you have been opened some food products wrong your whole life.
Take a look below and i m sure that you will find interesting things. It is never to late to learn the right way. Enjoy!

Packets ofĀ sugar

The most of the people opens these thing with breaking the top but the correct way is following:

Packets ofĀ sugar was developed byĀ Benjamin Eisenstadt. The idea behind them isĀ very simple: youā€™re meant toĀ break the packet inĀ half rather than tear off the top. IfĀ you doĀ itĀ this way, all the sugar will end upĀ inĀ your cup, and youā€™ll have only the wrapper left inĀ your hand.


Pringles potato chips

It is easier Ā when you place a folded piece of A4 paper inside the tube.


Ordinary potato chips

Cut out the central part ofĀ the packet using scissors orĀ any other sharp object


Boiled potatoes

Make anĀ incision all the way around the middle ofĀ the potatoes. Boil them, then bathe them inĀ cold water.


Tic tacs

All you have toĀ doĀ here isĀ turn the box onĀ its side, and the individual tic tacs should fall out onto the special tab inĀ the lid

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Juice cartons

The opening onĀ aĀ juice carton isĀ usually located closer toĀ one side than the other. IfĀ you pour the juice with that side closer toĀ the glass, air canā€™t get into the carton, and itĀ will splash out unsteadily. The correct way toĀ doĀ itĀ is, inĀ fact, toĀ hold the carton with the opening atĀ the top. Then the juice will flow out smoothly.



Look for three black spots onĀ the coconut located close together. Puncture the skin atĀ one ofĀ these spots using aĀ screwdriver orĀ aĀ sharp knife, then insert aĀ straw and…drink! IfĀ you want toĀ cut open the coconut, trace aĀ circle along the surface atĀ aĀ level slightly closer toĀ the black spots than toĀ the middle. Tap against this line all the way around, and itĀ should begin toĀ crack open.


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