Healthy & Tasty Meals for Students

Why do students eat junk food?

The answer is simple: it’s easily available and everyone else is eating it. It’s so much easier to order pizza for movie night than to spend an hour cooking something healthy, right? It’s easier to get a burger for lunch than to prepare a nice salad. Plus, healthy food requires a lot of planning and creativity. Who has the energy for that?

You do!

You have to find the energy for planning and preparing better meals. Do you know why? – Because you’ll get more energy in return. Proper nutrition will make you healthier and will boost your brainpower. You’ll feel fresh, happy, and focused.

Plus, healthy student meals are less complicated than you think. We’ll give you suggestions for meals you have to try!

Easy and Healthy Student Recipes

  1. Tomato and Olive Omelette


Every professional cook will tell you the same: “real” omelette is done with butter. A lot of it.

But hey; we’re here to break the rules. You don’t need tons of butter in your diet, since it’s full of calories and saturated fat. Olive oil is a much better choice, so we’ll use that for this recipe.

Scramble two eggs with salt and a spoon of milk. Heat the pan, add some olive oil and add the eggs. Add tomatoes, olives, and some feta cheese. Cook until done. Add fresh basil on top, and enjoy the healthy meal you made in less than 10 minutes.

  1. Avocado Toast


You need a super healthy dinner that gives you energy to work on that paper? This is it!

Don’t worry; you won’t waste any time on it. It takes five minutes, so you won’t end up hiring an essay helper in the UK just because you decided to prepare a healthy meal.

In a small bowl, mash the avocado with some salt, lemon juice, chili powder, and garlic. There’s no need to add olive oil; the avocado is fatty enough.

Toast a few slices of bread (choose a healthier alternative). Spread the avocado spread and top with boiled eggs and fresh tomatoes. Few drops of balsamic vinegar on top are nice for this combo.

  1. Baked Salmon Fillet


Let’s take healthy meals for students to a classier level, shall we?

Salmon sounds expensive, but a single fillet is cheaper than a burger or pizza you’d usually eat for dinner. And it’s really easy to prepare.

Season the salmon with salt and pepper, and spread a bit of mustard on top. Heat the oven to 400 degrees and bake the fillet for 10-15 minutes.

Serve with rice and tons of veggies.

See? Classy!

You Feel Inspired?

The student dinner ideas we listed are healthy, nutritious, and easy to prepare.

It’s time for you to be more mindful about your health. Exercise doesn’t matter much if you stuff yourself with greasy food all the time. As soon as you start making healthier food choices, you’ll feel the benefits!

You’ll be more energized and focused. You’ll look better, too!

Healthy food doesn’t take too much time and effort. It only takes ideas and dedication. We covered the idea part to some extent. Now, it’s your turn to take action.



Ever since Bobbi Sanchez started eating healthy, the world changed for him. He makes informed decisions about everything he buys in the grocery store. But most of all, he found joy in cooking. When he’s not working on his academic writing projects, he loves to share creative cooking ideas with the world.

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