10 Things to Remember When Hiring a Wedding Videographer

Weddings are supposed to be celebrations of love and loyalty, but the fact is that they’re often extremely stressful to plan. Part of this is because of the sheer number of details that are involved, but honestly, a lot of it is due to the learning curve as well. After all, you can’t know what to choose without knowing what your options are – which means you have to learn about all the options. When it comes to wedding videographers, however, you don’t have to do it all on your own; below you’ll learn enough to get you through the process of choosing a great wedding photographer.

Just like with wedding colors, cake flavors, and dress codes, there are all kinds of options to choose from when it comes to wedding videographers. Are you looking for someone who’ll get the job done for the right price? You shouldn’t have a problem finding the perfect candidate. Do you want a luxury experience in addition to a stunning video? Top wedding videography companies like Dalton Young Films & Photography can create a masterpiece. The point is, before you can find what you want, you have to know what you want.

  1. Decide how long the video should be

There is no one-size-fits-all wedding video. Some people want an end result that almost resembles a movie trailer, while others prefer a documentary-style film that takes the viewer through the entire day from various perspectives. Whatever you happen to like, your videographer won’t necessarily be able to give it to you unless you tell them. If not, you could expect half an hour of video and get five minutes – not a good outcome.

Also, if you want the raw footage, ask for it. Not all videographers save that to hand over with the wedding video, so that’s an important talking point when you’re choosing which person to hire.

  1. Discuss when the video will be ready

Unless you already knew about it beforehand, you might be surprised when the videographer tells you that your video will take six months to complete. However, that’s the industry standard. Even the faster services have a turnaround of three or four months, so you won’t be receiving a beautifully polished wedding video to watch while you’re on your honeymoon. On the other side of the coin, double-check that the contract has a delivery date; some people have ended up hounding their videographers for the finished product after a year or more of waiting.

  1. Establish the level of interaction you want from them

Do you want to see guest interviews, or would you prefer the videographer to be practically invisible? Each videographer will have developed their own filming style, and the right one will know how to get the footage they need without being disruptive.

  1. Find a videographer who can make your vision come to life

Video length isn’t the only detail to specify; you should also discuss the overall feel. Are you hoping for a wedding video that’ll make all your aunts cry, or do you want something that’ll depict the fun and good cheer of the day? Every wedding videographer will be different, so talking about how they could make your ideal wedding video a reality is a good idea.

  1. Make sure they film in 1080p

Keep in mind that just because you’re getting a 1080p video doesn’t mean that it was filmed at that resolution; some videographers film at 720p or lower, and digitally enhance the resolution during the editing process. If they film in 1080p, however, you can be sure that your wedding video is being created with high-quality equipment.

  1. See if they can use drones

Drone shots can be pretty epic, and if that’s the aesthetic you want in your wedding video, there’s really no substitute. You can’t just ask if the videographer has a drone, though; confirm that they’re licensed to fly it, and make sure they’re clear to use it at the venue as well.

  1. Ask if they have a gift registry

That’s right – you can ask your guests to chip in on the cost of your wedding video! Some videographers have gift registries, and they can even include fun extras such as more time spent filming, or additional DVD copies. Not only will it clear some room in your budget, but it gives your guests the chance to contribute to something more meaningful than a set of stainless-steel cookware.

  1. Check the reviews

Nobody wants to be unpleasantly surprised, least of all on their wedding day. That’s why, when you’re looking at wedding videographers, you should always check their online reviews. Maybe you’ll find out that they’re awesome; maybe you’ll discover that they showed up late and spent way too much time filming one of the bridesmaids. Either way, you’ll get the whole story, not just the one they tell about themselves.

  1. Choose someone who’s a good collaborator

On the one hand, it’s always best to trust the experts. On the other hand, it’s their job to make your dream wedding come to life on video, so they need to pay close attention to what you want. If you find someone who can strike that balance, nobody will be micromanaging anybody else on the big day.

  1. Get to know the videographer beforehand

Not every wedding videographer works as a freelancer; many of them are part of a team. One isn’t necessarily better than the other, but you should make sure that when you’re looking at a portfolio or talking with someone within the videography service, you’re dealing with the person who’ll actually be at your wedding.

You probably can’t avoid being stressed while planning a wedding, but maybe you can reduce it a bit while you’re searching for the right wedding videographer.

Find the right person, develop a rapport, and communicate clearly from start to finish. If you can do that, you’ll be setting the stage for not only an awesome wedding day, but an epic wedding video too.

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