8 Ingeniously Smart Iphone Hacks That Will Surprise You

One of the most popular smartphones nowadays -Iphone has become a part of our life. And believe it or not we start to become addicted to them and simple this is th way we live.
the ne technology really make our life easier, but just we have got to know how to properly use it. If you think that you know everything for your phone please do not be 100% sure until you see all these things below. We have made a few amazing hacks that will really surprise you.


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2.Ā Use your Headphones volume controls as a cable shutter release. Ā No more touching your iPhone and creating camera shake!

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3.Ā Have a phone full of thousands of photos like me? Ā Hereā€™s some great ways how to back them up!

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4.Ā 2 different ways to kid-proof your iPhone. Ā I never knew about these lock down features, did you?

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5.Ā How to use Reminders for iPhone and iPad

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6.Take a picture of whatā€™s on your phoneā€™s screen.

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7.Use Spring From Pen To Keep Charger From Bending And Breaking

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8.Screenshot your travel route before disconnecting or You can use Offline Maps

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