Like any other skill, quilting requires long hours of practice and dedication to perfect it. Any professional that you come across would have made mistakes while learning to quilt. Therefore, if someone says that they haven’t made any mistake, they are most likely lying or are simply superhuman. As a beginner quilter, you should read through the following tips to …
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Tremendous DIY Beach Bags That You Have To See
It doesn’t matter whether you got a new beach bag last year, you desperately want another one for this year’s summer vacation, right? I know that that’s the case with lots of girls and you are not to blame, believe me. Bags tend to make a huge impression on everyone, and having an eye-catching one for every summer is a …
Read More »DIY Cactus Crafts For All The Cactus Lovers
Cacti are succulent plants belonging to the family Cactaceae, native to the Americas (North, Central and South America with neighboring islands). They are mostly thorny plants that successfully resist droughts thanks to their juicy and fleshy texture. The name succulently refers to any plant with succulent tissue on the stem and leaves, and often on the root. It have the …
Read More »How To Transform Flip Flops And Give Them A Completely Different Look With Ease
Let’s admit it, flip flops are the most comfortable and the most preferred foot wear in summer! They keep our feet free, fresh and cool and we are not stuck with socks and other type of shoes! You can wear them with jeans, skirts, shorts and dresses for more casual occasions. When you are about to attend a formal event …
Read More »Fruity Summer DIY Projects That Will Give Some Positive Vibes To Your Home
What is summer without some nice DIY crafts that will beautify our homes and put them in the summer spirit instantly? They are so contagious and as soon as I saw one on the internet I quickly googled for some more interesting ideas that I can share with you and get you ready for some action. These Fruity Summer DIY …
Read More »Tremendous Ways To Repuspose Fishbowls In Your Home Decor
Did you use to have some fish in the past but now you don’t and all you are left with is an empty fishbowl? Is it collecting dust all the time and you are sick and tired of looking at it that way? If the answers to all of these questions are yes, that means you desperately need some DIY …
Read More »Watermelon Decorations For Your Summer Party
According to me the summer parties are the best ones ever! Do you share the same opinion as mine? Are you impatiently waiting for your summer party to come and you are super excited to choose the decorations that will make it just perfect? A party is more fun when it’s themed, so I suggest you to choose a theme …
Read More »Captivating DIY Painted Plates That You Are Going To Love
If you are feeling creative and you want to put that creativity into something pretty cool stay tuned cause here I will share with you some interesting ideas that will get you thinking about your next DIY project. These crafts are just perfect for people who easily get bored with things and when I say things I mean about plates …
Read More »Amazing DIY Outdoor Decorations That You Should Copy For Independence Day
4 July is just around the corner and if you start planning now your outdoor party you will be just in time and you won’t have to be nervous cause you are running late. When you start getting ready on time you will be more relaxed, calm and you will do everything with love without having to rush things. Decorations …
Read More »Fetching Summer Outfit Polyvore Ideas That Will Fascinate You
What’s a summer without a pretty dress? The hot temperatures are hardly endurable if you don’t have suitable clothing and the fewer clothes you have on you the better! This is why dresses are the perfect pick for this time of the year. They are comfy, they are cozy and they can make the hot weather more endurable. Plus, they …
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