Three Royal Weddings To Compare: Each One Simmilar And Different To The Other Ones

Three royal weddings have marked the United Kingdom history during the past few decades. Each of them appears so similar to the others, but in fact is so different when compared with the others ones. The main details related with the British royal tradition were presented in each of the royal weddings, but all the other details related with the bride and groom look, the wedding celebration details and the official portraits are a bit different from each other when compared closely.

The first wedding, the wedding of Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer took place on Wednesday 29 July 1981 at St Paulā€™s Cathedral in London, United Kingdom. Ā The groom was the heir to the British throne, and the bride was a member of the Spencer family. The wedding ceremony was a national holiday in the United Kingdom. There was a long list of guests invited to the wedding, including included many members of royal families from across the world, republican heads of state, and members of the brideā€™s and groomā€™s families. After the wedding the couple made the traditional appearance on the balcony of the Buckingham Palace.

The second one, took place on 29 April 2011 at Westminster Abbey in London, United Kingdom. Prince William, second in the line of succession to the British throne and his wife Catherine Middleton said the faithful YESĀ  in front of so many guests that attended the party including the brideā€™s and groomā€™s families, as well as members of foreign royal dynasties, diplomats, and the coupleā€™s chosen personal guests. After the wedding ceremony, as the tradition says, they made the traditional appearance on the balcony of the Buckingham Palace.

And the last one, that took place on 19 May 2018 in St Georgeā€™s Chapel at Windsor Castle in the United Kingdom, was the happiest moment in the life of Price Harry, the second son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana and his wife Meghan Markle, an actress from America. The morning before the wedding they were given the titles Duke and Duchess of Sussex by the Queen Elizabeth.

These three weddings have been in the center of the attention of the whole world in the time they were held, and many magazines have tried to compare the three royal weddings by comparing all the possible wedding details. In the article below we have made a selection of some of the most important comparing wedding details in order to get closer the three royal wedding to you. Enjoy it!

1.Ā  Official Royal Wedding Portraits

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2. The Royal bridesmaids and pageboys

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3. The Royal Bouquet

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4. The Royal Wedding Cake

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5. The Royal carriage ride

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6. Arm in arm as newlyweds

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7. Official Royal Engagement Photographs

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8. First Kiss as Husband and Wife

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9. The Bridal Beauty

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10. The Royal Veil

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11. Walking down the aisle

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