Tips For Making The Move Less Stressful To Pets

If you’ve been a pet owner for quite some time, you certainly experience the stress in making the move less stressful for you and your pets. The good news is that there are plenty of tips out there for new pet owners who want to know how to make the move to a new home a little easier.

Whether you’re an experienced pet owner or you’re just starting to get familiar with your pets, there are many things you can do to make this transition as easy as possible.

moving with pets

  • Get A Pet Travel Insurance And Take Your Pets To The Vet

The first thing you have to do before moving your pets is to get a pet travel insurance plan in place. A pet travel insurance plan will cover all of the expenses that you incur during the relocation. Usually, this includes the cost of transporting the pets, as well as the vet visits needed for them. It can also cover for lost or stolen pets, and for unexpected emergencies that can occur during your journey. Hence, if you want to save yourself from problems when moving, make sure you are fully covered before you even consider taking your pets with you when you move.

On the other hand, you should also take your furry friends to the vet before the moving day to get them checked and get the necessary prescriptions and vaccinations for the relocation. Also, make use of your vet visit to secure copies of your pets’ medical records so you have something to give to your new vet once you arrive at your new place.

  • Prepare Your Pets’ Essentials Bag

While it’s certainly not fun to be packing for your pet while you’re trying to focus on the other things you need to do, sometimes you just have to do it. Whether you have large or small pets, preparing your pets’ basic supplies is an important part of being prepared for your move. There are several important pet supplies that you should include on your pet’s travel bag that will make your trip easier and safer for both you and your pets

For instance, one of the most important items for your pets is their water and food supplies. A great pet supplies bag will have enough room for a variety of pet food and water supplies as well as a change of clothes for your pets if you have to  travel by air. These travel essentials can include their collars, leash, and other accessories such as toys, a blanket, and carrier. Make sure that you take the time to thoroughly check your pets’ bag for any loose items. Lastly, don’t forget to pack enough treats and catnip for your pets to enjoy during the move.

  • Hire A Reliable Moving Company

Hiring a moving company can be a great way to relieve stress and tension for pet owners. They can help make moving with pets much more enjoyable for both you and your pets. They have the tools and equipment necessary to move large items in a safe and humane manner. For example, they can help you with moving your furniture in stages to ensure everything goes smoothly.

On the other hand, you may be worried about the safety and comfort of their pets during your move. Because of this, you should look for moving companies that have been in business for a long time and that are known for being professional in their work. Thus, if you’re moving to another country, be sure to work with experienced cross country movers to make moving with pets easier. With them on your side, you can pay attention to your pets’ well-being while they handle the difficult aspects of the relocation for you.

  •  Keep your pet contained in one room

Another thing to do to make sure that your pets are as comfortable as possible during the moving day is to keep them contained in  one room without distractions. This means giving them a peaceful space with plenty of clean and dry bedding to lie and sleep on. Make sure that you also get plenty of toys and treats to keep them occupied while they wait to go with you for the relocation.

By putting them in an enclosed area, you can make sure that they’re safe from any risk of dangers and you can keep them relaxed while everything is messy downstairs. This can be a great way to reduce the stress brought to them by moving.


Moving with small pets can be very hard, but if you follow the tips mentioned above, everything can be as less stressful as it should be. Remember, taking time to prepare for a move is a good idea for both you and your pet so you can both feel a bit less stressed and anxious about the transition. Lastly, with the assistance of professionals who offer the best moving and storage service, you’ll have much easier time with the relocation.

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