5 Surprising Uses Of Baby Powder

Every mom has this amazing product. The general use of the baby powder is well known for all of us, but this cheap but very useful product can have another very helpful uses that you probably never heard of.
We always want to keep you updated with fresh new ideas and helpful tips, and now once again we want to share some ideas on how baby powder can be useful in other ways. Yes- you can use it in the garden. Keep reading below and you will remail surprised!

baby powder uses
via Flickr/Austin Kirk

Remove Grease Stains

Yes, this amazing product would help you to keep your favorite clothes looking new by removing grease stains. The use is very simple just before you toss your dirty clothes into the wash, use baby powder to soak up the grease. Rub the baby powder into the stain really well. Repeat until you see that all of the grease has been removed and then just wash as usual.

Loosen Up Playing Cards

This is an age-old trick that makes your cards much easier to handle and keeps them from sticking together. Simply just add a baby powder onto your playing cards and you are done.

Protect Your Flower Bulbs

New flower bulbs need attention. So you just need to dust each of them with baby powder before you plant them.
Here is how to do this: just put about five or six bulbs into a Ziploc bag with about 3 tablespoons of baby powder. The effect? Baby powder will coat the roots of the bulb, protecting it from rot and it wards off voles, grubs, moles, and other rodents that may be eating your bulbs before they have a chance to grow.

Thicker Eyelashes

The trick is before you apply mascara to put just a tiny bit of baby powder on your lashes. So now you will have the right effect on your new mascara.

Get Rid Of Ants

Nobody likes to see ants at home but we have to admit that they are all around us and everyone is looking for a smart solution to get rid of them. If you do not prefer to use chemicals then the baby powder is the cooler solution for you.
Just sprinkle a bit around your window panes, in the cracks on your floors, or even around your picnic blanket. The ants canā€™t cross the powder so youā€™ll be safe from those little pests as long as you are inside the baby powder line.

how to use baby powder in the garden
via diyncrafts.com

Untangle Necklace Knots

It is easy to knot the necklace chains but much harder to untangle them. Once more the simple trick is to use baby powder just sprinkle baby powder and it will be much easier to untangle the necklace knots.

Removes Sand From Skin Easily

Take the baby powder with you next time you go to the beach, and sprinkle some on your skin. It will be much easier to remove the sand that has stuck on you.

Refreshes The Fur Of Your Pet

Are you too lazy to wash your pet? Why don’t you use it to refresh their fur and make them smell amazing in an instance? You will find this much easier than bathing it, believe me!

Refreshes Your Hair

Yes, it can act as a wonderful dry shampoo. Apply it to the roots of your hair and watch how it absorbs the oil immediately. If you want to save money, baby powder is way too cheaper than dry shampoo. It’s good to have this tip in mind!

Makes Old Book Smell Super Fresh

Do you have some old books in your home but they somehow smell moldy? The first thing that you should do is to air dry them well, and then apply this baby product on the pages. Make the books stand upright for a couple of hours before brushing the powder away.

Eases Waxing Pain

Do you do the waxing at home on your own? Have you ever tried using this powder to absorb all the moisture from your skin before applying the wax? In this way, the wax will catch each hair with ease and make waxing less painful. Some uses are truly stunning, aren’t they?

Fights Shoes Odor

Shoe odor can be quite annoying, and here’s when this product comes to your rescue again. Sprinkle the powder in your shoes from time to time to keep them smelling fresh without having to wash them so often.

sourceĀ diyncrafts.com,Ā faithtap.com

I bet that you all amazed with all the baby powder uses that you saw here and that you are going to make use of them every time you feel helpless. Which use has amazed you the most? Do you use the baby powder in any other ways that we haven’t mentioned here? Feel free to share them with us and teach us something new!

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