Holiday Gift Guide for Every Zodiac Sign

Not sure what to get your friends and family for Christmas year? Turn to their zodiac sign for inspiration and find gifts everyone will appreciate! Here are the perfect gifts to get each sign for the holidays.


Due to the alignment of the stars, Aries are super focused on their goals, responsibilities, and duties right now. Remind them to take a break with a goody basket filled with self-care items that highlight just how much you care for them. Pack it with candles, soaps, body scrubs, and favorite treats to make the perfect gift.

Since Taurus is currently being ruled by Venus, they are under the influence of the planet of beauty. Find gifts a Taurus will love by appealing to their desire to surround themselves with gorgeous things. A shining piece of Pandora jewelry, sparkling soft sweater, or sleek silk tie is some great options.

Geminis tend to have a very diverse range of interests, so gift buying for them is not as easy as picking up a basic shirt or necklace. Instead, appeal to their love of learning with books. Pick a few beautiful books on a topic that your Gemini has been talking about lately to give them an item that can enrich their mind or enhance their home decor.

Cancers are cautious, loving, and protective, so the ideal gift for them is something that will let them enhance their home environment. Some good options include a cuddly throw pillow, beautifully potted plant, or framed family photo that will let them build a cozy nest during the chilly winter months.

For the month of December, Leos are going to be busy thinking about their careers and daily routine. Give these enthusiastic and focused friends something to let off steam with by getting them fitness gear. Consider exercise clothes, free weights, sneakers, or other fun options.


Jupiter will be sitting in Virgo’s fifth house this month, so they are going to be spending a lot of time thinking about fun and self-expression. Give them a gift that is entertaining while allowing them to express their creative side. Good options include concert tickets or painting classes.

Libras are all about having a harmonious family life, so give them a gift that they can share with loved ones. Arts and crafts kits, board games, or a cocktail set can be a way for them to spend valuable time with family in a cozy home setting.

Help your Scorpio friends get the connection and communication they crave with cute tech accessories. A pair of headphones, a new phone case, or a Bluetooth speaker can be affordable options, or you can splurge with a tablet or e-reader. Since they value good communication so much, make sure you listen to them and get something that speaks to their unique interests.

Since your Sagittarius loved ones adore adventure, give them a gift that encourages them to seek thrills. In snowy climates, a neat option might be skiing gear like goggles, boots, or snow pants. For those living in a city, get a gift card for a rock climbing gym, escape room or other exploration-based activity.

Capricorn is going to be heavily influenced by Jupiter, the planet associated with good luck, during the holidays, so skip the practical gifts and find something frivolous. Designer brand bags, sparkly eyeshadow palettes, and delicate perfume can encourage them to have fun and enjoy their good luck.


Due to their alignment, Aquarius currently has a bunch of focus on their twelfth house of isolation. Encourage them to take some time for themselves without feeling depressed or alone by giving them relaxing gifts like yoga mats, spa packages, or soothing candles.

According to Pisces weekly horoscope, now is the time for Pisces to nourish their friendships. Consider gifts that make it easy for them to host parties with sparkling string lights, charming dish sets, and outdoor firepits.

By taking your loved one’s zodiac sign into account, you can be sure you get them a gift they love.

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