6 Genius Non-Chemical Home Cleaning Hacks

Hey friends instead of spending too much money on chemicals for easy cleaning your home you can try do this easy with some useful cleaning hacks Itā€™s impossible to completely withdraw from using household chemicals, but you can try to reduce your use of them. We know that for the most of you cleaning is not so lovely process and it can bo very bored sometimes. Especially if you try to get rid of some stains, but it is complicated. If you have not read, than we are happy to tell you that some of the solutions for easy cleaning are right in your household storage. With some products that are most used in your kitchen, you can clean your home naturally and make it shine on the easiest way. Check a few non-chemical cleaning hacks below and enjoy!

Non-Chemical Home Cleaning Hacks

Cleaning can be a daunting task, especially if you do not have the proper equipment available. Because of this, most of us buy countless detergents and other cleaners. Usually we are following the rule: the stronger the detergent, the easier and faster the work. But strong detergents are usually much more aggressive towards the environment. We have put together a few eco-friendly alternatives that you can use to clean your home. All of them are equally effectively and save the environment! We all want our home to be as clean and safe as possible, for us and our family. That is why we use strong and aggressive detergents. We often mistakenly estimate that the home can be cleaned well only if we use aggressive substances. But the truth, as usual, is quite the opposite. Aggressive detergents often contain substances that can be toxic and harmful to you and your family, children and pets. Natural detergents are often equally effective, or perhaps more.

Steam cleaning also falls into the category of environmentally friendly cleaning. Extremely thorough cleaning requires nothing more than plain water and a steam cleaner – without detergents and chemicals! More importantly, steam cleaning not only allows the home to be cleaned, but at the same time disinfects it, in a completely natural way. Therefore, a good steam cleaner is a great investment, in terms of home cleanliness, but also for the preservation of the planet. Browse our collection and will learn some insansley genious cleaning hacks withour using chemicals.



Bathroom tiles

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You will need:

  • 1/4 glass ofĀ hydrogen peroxide
  • 1Ā tablespoon ofĀ liquid soap
  • 1/2 glass ofĀ water

How toĀ useĀ it:

Mix all ingredients.

ToĀ clean superficial dirt, put the liquid onĀ aĀ sponge and give the tiles aĀ wipe. Then wash the surface with water.

IfĀ the tiles are really filthy, put some liquid onĀ them and onĀ grout asĀ well. Leave itĀ for 10Ā minutes. During this time, dirt will dissolve and itĀ would beĀ easier toĀ clean itĀ off. Repeat the process one more time and wash the surface with water.

IfĀ you want your bathroom toĀ stay clean for aĀ long time, use the following technique: mix water and vinegar inĀ the ration ofĀ 1Ā toĀ 1Ā and spray tiles and grout with this liquid twice aĀ week.

AĀ mattress

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You will need:

  • 8Ā fl ozĀ (235Ā ml) 3%Ā hydrogen peroxide
  • 3Ā tablespoons baking soda
  • AĀ drop ofĀ liquid soap

How toĀ useĀ it:

Make the mixture right before you are going toĀ clean aĀ mattress asĀ itā€™s more effective this way.

Mix baking soda and peroxide inĀ aĀ spray bottle. When baking soda dissolves, drip liquid soap inĀ there. Shake the bottle and spray Š°Ā dirty spot.

Leave itĀ for 5-10Ā minutes. IfĀ you want itĀ toĀ dry faster, turn onĀ aĀ fan and point itĀ toĀ the spot.

Clean off the remnants ofĀ baking soda with aĀ vacuum cleaner.

The toilet

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You will need:

  • Vinegar

How toĀ useĀ it:

ToĀ clean your toilet use pure vinegar. Itā€™s also aĀ great disinfectant!

The oven

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You will need:

  • Ammonia

How toĀ useĀ it:

Put some ammonia into aĀ small bowl and leave itĀ inĀ aĀ turned off oven for aĀ night. Give your kitchen aĀ good airing inĀ the morning and wash the oven; grease will peel off easily. There should beĀ noĀ odor left. The only downside toĀ this method isĀ the smell, soĀ please donā€™t forget toĀ work with gloves and with the windows open.

AĀ gas stove

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You will need:

  • Q-tips
  • Old tooth brush
  • Ammonia-anisic drops

How toĀ useĀ it:

Dip aĀ Q-tip into ammonia-anisic drops and rub greasy spots. ToĀ clean ingrained grease, use aĀ tooth brush and aĀ regular sponge. Always put onĀ gloves toĀ protect your hands and skin.


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You will need:

  • Dry mustard
  • Baking soda

How toĀ useĀ it:

The best possible safe dish-washing mixture isĀ baking soda and dry mustard inĀ the ration ofĀ 1Ā toĀ 3. Mix both powders and put them into aĀ bottle with holes inĀ the lid. Itā€™s easy toĀ use.


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