Creative & Easy-To-Make DIY Wall Clock Ideas

Staying at home doesn’t need to be a boring stuff to deal with. Instead, with a little of creativity and some small efforts to express the DIY abilities that we all have inside us (even if we haven’t noticed them before), you can find some funny way to spend your day. And to do something productive, of course! For today, we recommend you some DIY projects that will make your living space look better and more functional. It is about DIY wall clock projects. You can change the atmosphere of the interior if you pay special attention to decorating the walls. It is not necessary to paint the surface of all walls. Sometimes it is enough to choose a part of the wall and paint it in different color.

We can also decorate the walls in different ways: with paintings, with the help of panels, photographs, natural materials, baguettes, paper butterflies, interesting hooks and other improvised materials. The first thing that we notice is missing in some home, when it is, (and we are sure is a MUST) is a wall clock. Most people who carry their smart phones or their hand watches with them all the time may not recognize the need of a wall clock in the home. But, believe us, a wall clock is not only a thing you put on the wall to see the time, it is a part of the décor that gives your living space a special sense and an impeccable style. If you are not having your own wall clock, what do you think about the idea to DIY.

DIY Wall Clock Ideas

The wall clock is still one of the most commonly used objects in homes. It is able to remind us of the time, but also to be a piece of furniture. To give the wall more character, while saving money, you can decide to give new life to objects that are no longer used. From old domino tiles to bike wheels, the ideas are countless. Whether you need a wall clock for a child’s, bedroom or living room, design a motif and have fun designing and creating. All the ideas we present to you are easy to implement, and each of them has one thing in common – the mechanism of any old clock will be enough for you, and the rest are little things that you can arrange as you wish.

In this article we are giving you some suggestions on how to make it. If you are lack of ideas how to DIY a functional wall clock, discover  these inspiring ideas on how to DIY a wall clock which will perfectly match your whole interior design. Wall clocks are one of the details that people use to add personal touch to their space. Firstly, with your DIY wall clock you are definitely having something personal to show to your friends when they came around your home, and secondly you are having a functional item. These ideas below are going to help you make your own wall clock that will perfectly fit any modern, luxurious, vintage… or any other style of home. Use some old items you already have at home and transform them into an original and unique wall clock.

1. Magazine Rolls Wall Clock


2. Bicycle Wheel

What about an old bike wheel you don’t need any more, transformed into a vintage wall clock.


3. Chalkboard Roman Numeral


4. Modern-Style Concrete


5. Lego  Clock

Or some old Lego cubes that your kids don’t use as toys anymore, transformed into creative wall clock for their kids room?


 6. Moon-Theme


7. Embroidered Basket Clock


8. Photo-Wall


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